In the current study, the mean total decentered distance from the corneal vertex on the tangential topography difference map of the Keratron Scout was 0.36 ± 0.22 mm (range, 0.02–1.27 mm). Regarding the optical zone centration in myopic SMILE, recently published articles have shown that the achieved centration of SMILE was relatively good. The decentered distance from the corneal vertex was 0.20 ± 0.11 mm (range, 0.00–0.50 mm) by using the tangential topography difference maps with Atlas topography (Carl Zeiss Medite AG, Jena, Germany).
27 In another study, the decentered distance from the corneal vertex by using the pachymetry difference maps with the Scheimpflug Camera was 0.32 ± 0.21 mm (range, 0.00–1.13 mm) when evaluating the centration of the achieved optical zone in 69 eyes of 36 patients treated with SMILE.
28 In 100 eyes of 55 patients treated with SMILE, the mean total decentered distance from the corneal vertex was 0.17 ± 0.09 mm (range, 0.02–0.49 mm) in an anterior elevation corneal topography map from the Scheimpflug Camera, and all eyes were within 0.50 mm of the corneal vertex.
12 Although the mean total decentration values from our study were slightly larger than those reported from other studies, techniques for calculating decentration varied. A direct comparison among the studies without considering centration analysis method should be performed with caution.
29 We suspect that our slight larger decentration values could be attributed to the potential decentrations between contact glass and the optical axis of the system, as well as between contact glass and the visual axis of the eye.
Specifically, the pachymetric method with the Scheimpflug camera could introduce measurement errors associated with the accuracy and repeatability of the corneal thickness in the central zone.
30,31 Corneal thickness difference maps may not be accurate because the anterior surface has been substantially altered after refractive surgery, and thus, the normal-to-the-surface calculation and direction in which corneal thickness is calculated are not comparable between preoperative and postoperative displays.
29 The use of elevation maps is problematic because a reference is required, which must be fit to the surface and does not require centration of that reference relative to the surface in the fitting protocols. In addition, determining centration with the sagittal curvature difference maps obtained from the Scheimpflug camera may be a source bias, especially if the line of sight has changed between the preoperative and postoperative scans due to the modification of the anterior surface.
32 Different centration references should also be considered when comparing the decentration after surgery, because the pupil center shifts with changes in pupil size under photopic, mesopic, and pharmacologically dilated conditions.
20 On the other hand, analyzing a tangential curvature difference maps, such as in our study, avoids the limitations related to the direction of the subtraction or noncentered references.
27,29 Reinstein et al.
27 used the same tangential curvature difference map methodology and the same grid and concentric circle overlay. The only difference was that they used the Atlas, whereas the Keratron Scout was used in the present study. The Keratron Scout, one of the small-cone Placido disc topographers, has a shorter working distance and projects a greater number of rings onto the cornea compared with the Atlas topographer, one of the large-cone Placido disc topographers. A prospective agreement study comparing the Atlas and Keratron Scout would allow a more thorough investigation of the centration analysis method.
We evaluated the relationship between the magnitudes of decentration and pupillary offset (angle kappa) on tangential topography difference maps obtained with the Keratron Scout. Significant relationships were noted between the pupillary offset and decentration (preoperative offset [x-axis] versus horizontal decentered displacement, and preoperative offset [y-axis] versus vertical decentered displacement). According to one previous study presenting a theory to transform Zernike coefficients analytically with regard to the translation of the pupil center, the authors theoretically analyzed the impact of applying a translational pupillary offset in various aberration measurements and calculated the theoretical interrelationship between various higher and lower order aberrations after offset implementation.
33 Furthermore, because aberrations are measured on the pupil and not on the corneal vertex, investigating the relationship between the pupillary offset and decentration is crucial during the SMILE procedure.
In the present study, we demonstrated the estimated breakpoint between the total decentration and induced spherical aberration, which was 0.335 mm. After categorization of decentration values into lower decentration (group I, total decentered displacement ≤0.335 mm) and higher decentration (group II, total decentered displacement >0.335 mm), induced changes in the total HOAs, coma, vertical coma, and spherical aberration were significantly larger in group II than those in group I. Furthermore, there was significant relationship between the total decentration and induced corneal HOAs in group II, whereas there was no association between the total decentration and induced corneal HOAs in group I. It has previously been theoretically calculated that a decentration no greater than 0.2 mm would be required to maintain optical quality.
15 In the present study, the breakpoint was found to be 0.335 mm, which may be related to the use of larger optical zones, which increase tolerance to optical zone decentration. Because the average optical zone was 6.7 ± 0.2 mm, and the analysis diameter for corneal aberrations was 6.0 mm by using the Keratron Scout, it is expected that a decentration larger than 0.35 mm ([6.7 − 6.0 mm]/2) would be incurred with a higher level of aberrations. This is due to the fact that decentrations greater than 0.35 mm on a 6.0-mm disc would cross the edge of a larger 6.7-mm disc (i.e., a crescent moon-shaped region beyond the lenticule-corrected area would be included in the 6.0-mm diameter selected for analysis). Thus, it can be inferred that at approximately 0.35 mm, a sudden change of slope in the induction of aberrations versus decentrations would occur. This value corresponds well with the breakpoint determined by piecewise regression analysis (0.335 mm). Accordingly, had we taken a smaller or larger analysis diameter for the corneal aberrations, we would have observed a different (larger or smaller) tolerance for decentrations in piecewise regression analysis. In our study, we chose 6.0 mm because this value is conventionally used in refractive surgery. Furthermore, an optical zone of 6.7 mm was not selected during treatment in all cases; thus, although the tolerance to decentration would likely be just 0.1 mm for a small optical zone treatment (6.2 mm), it may be up to 0.6 mm for a large optical zone treatment (7.2 mm), with an average close to 0.35 mm.
According to simple regression analysis between the optical zone diameter and induced corneal HOAs, there were significant relationships between the optical zone diameter and all types of corneal aberrations. In group I, there were associations between the optical zone diameter and induced corneal HOAs, with the exception of horizontal coma. Moreover, group II showed stronger relationships compared with group I. Results for simple regression analysis between the ΔMRSE and induced corneal HOAs showed a pattern similar to the optical zone diameter versus induced corneal aberrations. Taken together, during the SMILE procedure, operating eyes that had a total decentered displacement ≤0.335 mm showed more stable behavior with regards to induced corneal HOAs against the optical zone diameter and refractive error changes than eyes that had a total decentered displacement >0.335 mm.
In one study evaluating the effects of ablation decentration on the induction of HOAs in active eye-tracker-assisted myopic photorefractive keratectomy, large decentration from the center of the entrance pupil was associated with greater induction of total HOA, coma, and spherical aberration.
34 Consistent with our study, ablation decentration >0.30 mm induced significantly more total HOAs, coma, and spherical aberration, when compared with decentration <0.15 mm during photorefractive keratectomy.
34 Even subclinical decentrations <1.0 mm can cause increased coma-like and spherical-like HOAs, along with increased lower-order aberrations, indicating some correlation between decentration and induced wavefront aberrations.
16 Concerning LASIK, greater HOAs induction is associated with ablation decentration, which could be dependent on the excimer laser platform, variation in the transition zone, or different centration references.
25,32,35,36 Myopic LASIK centered on the coaxially sighted corneal light reflex was more effective and safe than LASIK centered on the pupil, with a significantly lower induction of RMS coma and RMS total HOAs.
26 On the other hand, one recent study evaluating the centration following the SMILE procedure found no statistically significant difference in induced ocular aberrations, rather than purely corneal aberrations, when comparing eyes with decentered distances greater than 0.30 mm to those within 0.30 mm.
Although the present study had several limitations, including its retrospective design, it is the first study to investigate lenticule decentration following the SMILE procedure on the tangential topography difference map of the Keratron Scout. On the basis of the current results, we concluded that minimal decentration in myopic SMILE is related to smaller induction of total HOAs, coma, vertical coma, horizontal coma, and spherical aberration. Furthermore, having decentered distances less than 0.335 mm could yield more satisfactory results with regard to total HOAs, coma, vertical coma, and spherical aberration. Additionally, considering that preoperative pupillary offset was significantly positively related with decentration, surgeons should be cautious when performing SMILE for patients with relatively higher preoperative pupillary offset. Because the lenticule thickness and volume (excise cornea) increased quadratically and with the fourth power of the optical zone, respectively, aiming for manual, semiautomated, and automated improvements in centration would help to ameliorate induction of aberrations in SMILE, thus resulting in improvement in visual quality.