Various chemical clearing techniques have been developed to address similar questions of 3D structure, connectivity, and the resulting organ function. Clearing methods can be grouped into four categories: solvent based (BABB; iDISCO), hyperhydration (Sca/e A2; CUBIC), simple immersion (FocusClear), and hydrogel embedding (CLARITY, PACT, PARS).
53 We chose pig eyes for this study for the abundance of outflow function data
27–32 and the short time from enucleation to perfusion, helping confine dyes to the intact vascular spaces. We found that a modified CUBIC protocol
24 did not impart the same level of scleral transparency as BABB, a reagent known to be effective in clearing tissues with a large content of extracellular matrix, like skin and gingiva.
54 We selected a BABB based protocol
55 in this study because it empirically yielded the most transparent samples. Also, BABB is relatively easy and quick (days compared with weeks
54), low cost, and preserved the signal from the lectin-conjugated fluorophore. Lectins have a long history of being used to label the glycocalyx of vascular endothelium.
39,56,57 Differential glycosaminoglycan expression of outflow structures is of interest due to its association with various pathologic outflow states,
38 as well as aging.
56 We assayed for a lectin marker to differentially label TM, CC, and more superficial vasculature but did not observe such specificities. Different lectins marked TM, downstream vasculature (
Table), and in some instances, corneal endothelium, while leaving surrounding scleral tissue unstained. Uniform labeling of the outflow tract was achieved by DBA, RCA, TL, and SBA, as observed under an Olympus FluoView upright confocal microscope. Out of these lectins, SBA was found to display the most complete and uniform labeling of the observable outflow tract morphology. Compared with fluorophores with more blue-shifted excitation and emission maxima, the tissue has reduced autofluorescence and light absorption at the excitation and emission maxima of rhodamine.
45 For these reasons and due to data storage and processing limitations, we chose to proceed with the SBA-rhodamine sample for RSCM imaging. These features lend themselves well to volumetric, full-thickness acquisition of the outflow tract. The speed and high resolution achieved with confocal ribbon-scanning enabled the characterization of large volumes of the outflow tract that would not have been feasible with traditional confocal or light-sheet imaging modalities.
21 This allowed us to readily isolate CCs and vessels of the SVP from within the complex outflow tract network. We found that the nasal CCs had the largest diameters and could be primarily found in the superonasal and inferonasal quadrant in between recti muscles (
Fig. 5). In addition to this, the proximal openings are more elliptical than the distal ones in these quadrants, possibly indicating an expandable reserve capacity. This matches function studies well
27,44 that showed that nasal outflow is higher than temporal outflow and that canalogram dye entry occurs preferentially in the superonasal and inferonasal anterior chamber angle.
27 In those experiments, time-lapse images of eyes before trabecular ablation had a more intense filling of the inferior SVP, matching the considerably larger volume in the present study (
Fig. 4B). Pig eyes have an outflow tract similar to human eyes in several aspects (size,
26 giant vacuoles,
26 biochemical markers,
57 increased nasal outflow
44) but have Schlemm's canal-like segments instead of the mostly continuous single lumen of human eyes and a thicker TM.
26,58 Regardless, a similar, preferentially nasal and inferior flow can also be observed in human eyes.