Using PR-OCTA, we found that PAMM lesions were associated with reduced MCP and DCP flow signals, with additional reduced flow signal in the SCP in some eyes. In eyes with PAMM and severe INL thinning on follow-up, we observed a relative paucity of reperfusion at the MCP. In these eyes, persistent ischemia at the MCP could explain the subsequent INL thinning seen in PAMM. In contrast, AMN lesions in our study were associated with reduced DCP flow signals, confirming isolated focal DCP ischemia at the photoreceptor axons in the OPL as the trigger for AMN pathology, ultimately compromising the entire photoreceptor unit with long-term ONL thinning.
4 It is noteworthy that all AMN and PAMM lesions in our longitudinal dataset had evidence of variable recovery of capillary flow signal at the different capillary levels (
Figs. 2,
The vascular pathology in PAMM/AMN remains an area of great debate.
8 Fawzi et al.
4 noted the earliest lesion in AMN at the level of the OPL, and suggested ischemic insult to the capillary network (DCP) located at the outer border of the INL. This initial OPL lesion is followed by disruption of the IS/OS and OS/RPE along with appearance of the hyporeflectivity on IR. With time, these eyes develop ONL thinning, presumably as ischemic photoreceptor cell bodies atrophy. In contrast, several groups have suggested choriocapillaris nonperfusion in AMN.
13,14 Notably, however, these studies used large OCTA scans (6 × 6 mm
2), which have limited scan density with limited resolution for smaller capillaries, especially those in the DCP.
15 Furthermore, the representative OCTA B-scans in the study by Lee et al.
14 did not reveal distinctive lack of choriocapillaris flow in the area of the AMN lesions compared to adjacent retina. These studies relied largely on en face images of the choriocapillaris, and did not account for attenuation of OCT signal from hyperreflectivity in the overlying retina (
Fig. 8). Hyperreflectivity in the inner retina from PAMM or AMN attenuates the OCT (and OCTA) signal, which appears as nonspecific hyporeflectivity on en face OCT (and OCTA) at the level of the RPE and choriocapillaris. Therefore, signal attenuation could largely explain the apparent choriocapillaris flow voids in these aforementioned studies. Furthermore, the use of en face OCTA to identify the affected plexus in PAMM or AMN can be unreliable, since segmentation and projection artifacts are generally exacerbated because of focal thinning and hyperreflective lesions, respectively. In contrast, the use of cross-sectional PR-OCTA in our study greatly overcomes these potential errors.
Using cross-sectional B-scans analyzed by PR-OCTA, our data show clear evidence of DCP nonperfusion, which correlates precisely with the AMN lesion, while the choriocapillaris was either normal or could not be assessed due to shadowing from overlying hyperreflective lesions (
Figs. 1,
2). In areas immediately adjacent to the AMN lesion, the DCP was preserved, implying focal DCP flow signal attenuation in AMN lesions. In eyes with follow-up imaging, we found robust recovery of DCP flow signal in areas of the original AMN lesion (within 6 weeks), which suggests a rather transient vaso-occlusive event. This reperfusion could also explain the lack of flow abnormalities detected at the DCP when imaging AMN during recovery (
Fig. 2).
Sarraf et al.
7 in 2013 first characterized PAMM as hyperreflective lesions at the IPL/INL junction and suggested that this location of the hyperreflectivity corresponded with occlusion of the SCP. Since then, Sridhar et al.
2 have suggested nonperfusion of both the SCP and DCP in PAMM with subsequent long-term pruning of the deeper capillary plexuses. In contrast, Chen et al.
1 suggested that PAMM was associated with ischemia of the MCP and DCP. Using PR-OCTA, our data show a wide range of abnormalities in PAMM. The consistent evidence of reduction of MCP and DCP flow signal corresponding precisely to the PAMM lesions in all affected eyes suggests that the pathogenesis of PAMM and location of pathology start at the MCP with secondary downstream changes in the DCP (
Figs. 31552–
5). Interestingly, we found additionally reduced SCP flow signal in five of these eyes, among which four of the five eyes had subsequent thinning of the GCC (
Fig. 6). More specifically, eyes in which reperfusion did not occur at the MCP showed more severe INL thinning (
Figs. 6,
7), while eyes with more robust MCP reperfusion showed relative preservation of INL thickness (
Figs. 4,
This study was limited by a relatively small sample size, explainable by the imposed stringent image quality criteria. Another limitation is lack of OCTA imaging at the onset of AMN or PAMM in 7/18 eyes, precluding the assessment of perfusion status in these eyes at its worst. Also, only 13/18 eyes had follow-up imaging to facilitate studies of reperfusion. Future prospective studies with larger cohorts and standardized follow-up intervals could be important to further explore these questions in greater detail.
In conclusion, using PR-OCTA, we found that PAMM lesions were associated with reduced flow signal in both the MCP and DCP, with occasional involvement of the SCP. AMN was associated with reduced flow signal limited to the DCP. We found that eyes experienced a wide range of reperfusion at the different plexuses. In PAMM, we could trace the reperfused capillaries to arteriolar origin, with more robust reperfusion of the MCP appearing to mitigate INL thinning. Similarly, during AMN recovery, as the lesion transitions from hyperreflectivity to ONL thinning, we found partial recovery of flow signal at the DCP. Our findings illustrate the complexity of ischemic macular pathology, the role of reperfusion, and the importance of projection artifact removal and cross-sectional OCTA to facilitate accurate analysis of flow at the macular capillaries.