Purpose :
There Is little information comparing the effect of charged particle radiation and brachytherapy on normal ocular tissue. The purpose of this study is to compare the change in retinal thickness in patients treated with proton beam radiation to change in retinal thickness in patients treated with radioactive implant. We performed a retrospective review of Optical Coherence Tomography, (OCT) measurements of retinal thickness in patients treated with Proton Beam therapy, (PBT) or radioactive iodine plaqe, (RAI) for uveal melanoma at a single institution.
Methods :
Charts on 64 patients treated for uveal melanoma from January 2015 to December 2016 were reviewed to identify patients who had OCT performed within 2 mm of the edge of a tumor who had one year of follow up. Patients with glaucoma, diabetes or retinal detachment were exluded. 16 patients met the entrance criteria, (8 in the PBT group and 8 in the RAI group). The change in retinal thickness from prior to treatment to one year after treatment in the retinal sector within 2 mm of the tumor margin was tabulated and measurements between the two groups were analyzed using the t-test.
Results :
The average change in retinal thickness in the PDT group was 9.75 microns. The average change in retinal thickness in the RAI was 68 microns. The t-value was 14.31 and the result are signifigantly different, p<0.1.
Conclusions :
The change in retinal thickness, measured by OCT, was significantly greater in patient's treated with radioactive implant compared to proton beam therapy in a small group of patients treated at a single institution. These results may have implications for the difference between the complication profile of these to radiation modalities.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2018 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Honolulu, Hawaii, April 29 - May 3, 2018.