Purpose :
Intraocular lens (IOL) implantation has been a technical challenge specially in eyes with deficient capsular support. Recently, intrascleral fixation of the haptics of a three- piece posterior chamber IOL has become an option. In this procedure, externalization of the leading haptic during IOL injection is a stressful step and there are different techniques involved with advantages and disadvantages. We present a device to make easier and safer this step.
Methods :
This prototype is made of steel and the size is 3 mm long, 2 mm wide, 0.262 mm high and a canal of 0.06 mm of diameter, used to introduce the leading haptic (Figure 1). The prototype was embeded into pork sclera, making sure that the device could penetrate it (figure 2).
Measurements were taken with the Visante OCT (Carl Zeiss Meditec, USA) to assure that the device remains in a stable position and there is no contact with any inner surface of the globe.
Results :
The device was in position and stable all the time during the time that the measurements were taken, at 0.41 mm from the top of the sclera, measured by Visante OCT.
Conclusions :
This prototype promises to be helpful as a new optional technic to improve and expedite the surgical technique of three pieces IOL fixation into the sclera, diminishing the learning curve and surgical time in a safe way.
This is an abstract that was submitted for the 2018 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Honolulu, Hawaii, April 29 - May 3, 2018.