The day/night cycle in ambient light is the major environmental factor able to entrain clocks, also called a zeitgeber (time-giver). In mammals, eyes constitute the only light input pathway to the SCN
10 and entrainment of this central clock involves the three main light sensitive systems of the retina (i.e., rods, cones, and the intrinsically sensitive retinal ganglion cells [ipRGCs]). The latter were discovered about 20 years ago and express the photopigment melanopsin (OPN4). These ipRGCs send axons to the SCN as well as multiple other targets within the brain and integrate light information processed and transmitted by rods and cones.
11,12 Both irradiance and wavelength serve as entraining factors to align the circadian system with the external light/dark cycle.
13 Interestingly, eye physiology is also subject to circadian regulation, which adapts vision to the alternating day-night cycle (i.e., high and low light intensities), but also modulates the capacity of the retina to signal to the circadian system. In mammals, the retina was actually the first tissue outside of the SCN, described to display circadian clock properties, based on its capacity to synthesize and release melatonin in vitro with a ∼24-hour rhythm.
14 This observation triggered extensive analysis of retinal physiology over the 24-hour cycle and many molecular and cellular processes are now known to be under clock-control.
15,16 These extend from the expression of photopigments
17,18 to visual sensitivity, as reflected in ERG by the amplitude of the photopic b-wave.
19–21 They also include processes linked to retina survival such as rhythms in shedding of rod and cone outer segments and phagocytosis by the underlying RPE
22,23 and the vulnerability to phototoxicity.
24 In addition, rhythmic processes have been reported elsewhere in the eye, such as in the cornea (daily variation of thickness or mitotic rate
25,26) and in the ciliary body (aqueous production contributing to intraocular pressure
27,28). In line with these results, transcriptomics analysis of the eyes over the 24-hour period provided an extensive view of processes under cyclic control in ocular tissues.
5,21 Although identified cycling genes appear linked mainly to the retina, these data provided potential insight into the rhythmic physiology of the cornea, lens, choroid, and sclera, among others. Conversely, disruption of the circadian clock as induced by
Bmal1 knockout was described to dramatically alter corneal and lens structure.
29,30 Likewise, photoreceptor viability during aging is significantly reduced in
Bmal1−/− as well as in
Npas2/Clock double knockout mice.
31 Thus, alteration of clock signaling compromises cell viability and leads to accelerated aging in ocular tissues.