The topographic distribution pattern of the RNFL thickness (temporal inferior > temporal superior > nasal inferior > nasal superior > temporal > nasal) mostly agreed with previous reports.
25,28,29 The Singapore Chinese Eye Study found a thicker RNFL in the inferior sector (127 ± 16 μm) than in the superior sector (123 ± 16 μm), the temporal sector (72 ± 11 μm), and, finally, the nasal sector (69 ± 11 μm).
27 In the Beijing Eye Study, the mean RNFL thickness was largest in the temporal inferior quadrant (153 ± 21 μm), followed by the temporal superior sector (138 ± 21 μm), the nasal inferior sector (118 ± 24 μm), the nasal superior sector (106 ± 21 μm), the temporal sector (76 ± 13 μm), and, finally, the nasal quadrant (73 ± 15 μm).
30 The distribution pattern of the RNFL thickness ,as measured clinically, agrees with histomorphometric measurements of the RNFL thickness in enucleated human eyes.
31 In a histomorphometric study by Dichtl and coworkers,
32 the RNFL thickness, assessed in 22 normal human eyes at the optic disc border showed a double hump configuration, with the highest mean thickness in the inferior quadrant (266 ± 64 μm), followed by the superior quadrant (240 ± 57 μm), the nasal quadrant (220 ± 70 μm), and, finally, the temporal quadrant (170 ± 58 μm). The regional distribution of the thickness of the RNFL also agreed with the distribution of the ophthalmoscopic visibility of the RNFL, with the regional distribution of the diameter of the retinal arterioles (being widest in the temporal inferior vascular arcade, followed by the temporal superior vascular arcade, the nasal superior vascular arcade, and, finally, the nasal inferior vascular arcade) and with the physiologic configuration of the optic disc neuroretinal rim that, following the so-called ISNT (inferior-superior-nasal-temporal) rule, is significantly widest in the inferior sector, followed by the superior sector, the nasal sector, and finally, the temporal sector.
33–35 The regional distribution of the RNFL thickness also corresponded with regional differences in the mean thickness of the retinal ganglion cell axons in the retrobulbar part of the optic nerve, with the thicker axons located in the inferior and superior regions and the thinnest axons located in the temporal region.
36 The explanation for the sectorial uneven distribution of the RNFL thickness might be related to the retinal anatomy, with the foveola being located about 0.5 inferior to a horizontal line drawn through the center of the optic disc.
33 It leads to more retinal surface area and more retinal cells in the region inferior to the horizontal optic disc axis as compared with the region superior to the horizontal optic disc axis.