Another new therapeutic modality is IPL therapy. IPL therapy has been an effective treatment for a range of dermatologic diseases, and it results in the alleviation of telangiectasia and facial erythema.
42 Therefore, IPL therapy has been evaluated as a treatment for MGD. Craig et al.
42 evaluated the effects of IPL therapy for MGD in a prospective, double-masked, placebo-controlled, paired-eye study and found that the lipid layer grade, tear breakup time, and symptom score improved from baseline up to day 45. Yin et al.
43 compared the results of IPL therapy and eyelid hygiene and found that IPL therapy and eyelid hygiene were equally effective in improving symptoms and meibomian gland function. Jiang et al.
44 evaluated the efficacy of IPL therapy in a prospective noncomparative study and found that IPL improved symptoms, the tear breakup time, and the meibomian gland secretion quality and expressibility. In two prospective, noncomparative studies,
45,46 serial IPL therapy sessions combined with meibomian gland expression improved symptoms and signs, including the meibomian gland secretion quality and expressibility. Proposed mechanisms by which IPL improves MGD signs and symptoms include heat transfer, thrombosis of the vasculature around the meibomian glands, and reduced inflammatory cytokines in tears.
42,47 However, the mechanism needs to be elucidated in future studies.