In agreement with previous reports, AL displays a linear growth pattern in both groups of infants in the present study.
7,9 The rate of growth in AL was lower in preterm infants with ROP (0.11 mm/wk) than in preterm infants without ROP (0.24 mm/wk). A review of the literature on AL in prematurity reveals that, although several authors have addressed this topic, there are few data on week by week measurement of AL in the first weeks after birth, and studies distinguishing between infants with and without ROP are lacking. Previous studies on premature babies without ROP have reported a weekly growth of AL ranging from 0.18 to 0.19 mm/wk, with an outlier value of 0.30 mm/wk given in a single study.
7,9,26 In another study on ocular growth development in premature infants without ROP, AL was found to increase at a rate of 0.16 mm/wk.
27 However, in this study, infants were examined up to week 52, and it has been suggested that the weekly elongation of the eyeball in premature babies is slower after week 40.
8,9,15 This may explain the higher weekly growth rate in the present study (0.24 mm/wk), as we recorded AL values only up to week 38. O'Brien et al.,
9 who have not included infants with ROP, have reported a weekly elongation of 0.20 mm up to week 40, and 0.14 mm thereafter. Fledelius et al.,
15 who have included infants with stages 1 and 2 ROP, have found an AL growth rate of 0.19 and 0.13 mm/wk, before and after week 40, respectively. Laws et al.,
8 who have included premature babies with ROP stages 1, 2, and 3, with some of them requiring cryotherapy or diode laser treatment, reported a weekly growth rate of 0.18 mm/wk with shorter AL in infants undergoing treatment. Cook et al.,
11 who have also included babies up to stage 3+ ROP, reported a weekly elongation of 0.152 mm/wk. In our group of premature babies with ROP, we found a lower weekly AL growth rate of 0.11 mm/wk. However, a direct comparison with the previous studies is not possible because their values are not reported separately for the ROP and non-ROP groups.