There is growing interest in understanding how ocular surface pathology interacts with nerves that innervate the ocular surface. Changes in corneal sensitivity and/or sub-basal nerve fiber density are observed in a range of diseases.
31–39 Our findings indicate that the nerve fibers of cold thermoreceptors are more affected by the metabolic stress induced by a HFHC diet than polymodal nociceptors. Corneal cold thermoreceptors can sense changes in temperature associated with tear film evaporation,
40 and they are also stimulated by increases in tear fluid osmolarity.
41 Furthermore, selective activation of cold thermoreceptors stimulates tear formation
42 and deletion of the cold-sensor protein TRPM8 in mice selectively reduces basal tear formation.
43 For these reasons, it is believed that cold thermoreceptors form the afferent arm of the reflex arc that mediates homeostatic regulation of the tear film and that disruptions of their function are likely to contribute to the etiology of dry eye disease.
44 In support of this suggestion, dry eye disease patients have reduced sensitivity to cold stimuli applied to the cornea.
45 The incidence of dry eye disease is increased in patients with type 2 diabetes,
46–48 and there is evidence that this is associated with distal symmetric polyneuropathy.
49 Furthermore, a meta-analysis has revealed that patients with type 2 diabetes and dry eye symptoms have impaired tear functions and reduced corneal sensitivity to mechanical stimuli indicative of neuropathy.
50 There is also a recent meta-analysis that has identified hyperlipidemia as a risk factor for dry eye disease.
51 We therefore suggest that the decrease in the density of cold thermoreceptor endings we have reported in the present study could form the basis of the dysfunction that leads to the increased incidence of dry eye disease in people with hyperlipidemia and/or type 2 diabetes. Understanding the mechanisms that produce this selective change in a specific subpopulation of corneal sensory will be important to resolve as this knowledge could lead to new targets for therapies to manage dry eye disease or potentially other ocular surface pathologies.