To determine if Müller glia were the source of BrdU+ cells, a transgenic mouse model that carries a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase driven by the Müller glia-specific
Rlbp promotor (
RlbpCre-ER) and a floxed tdTomato (
Rosa-tdTomatofloxstopflox) reporter was used to label Müller glia in vivo.
29 In mice 3 to 4 months old, heterozygous for
RlbpCre-ER/+ and homozygous for Rosa-tdTomato
floxstopflox, five daily intraperitoneal injections of tamoxifen treatment resulted in expression of tdTomato in Müller glia within the retina (
Fig. 2A). The tdTomato reporter was visible in the Müller glial cell bodies within the INL (
Fig. 2B, arrow), and their inner, radial processes, which extend through the GCL to form end feet at the inner limiting membrane of the retina (
Fig. 2B, arrowhead). The outer radial processes of the Müller glia were faintly labeled by the tdTomato reporter. Thus, tdTomato expression in Müller glia in these mice can serve as a lineage tracer. Unfixed tissue shows clear processes extending from the INL (
Figs. 2A,
2B). If Z-stacks of these fresh preparations are taken and the images condensed into one image, even further detail can be observed (
Fig. 2B). However, fixation of the tissue diminishes native tdTomato fluorescence and in some experiments, visualization of the tdTomato-positive Müller glia was done using an antibody against tdTomato (
Fig. 2C, arrowhead). Interestingly, Müller glia do not express α7 nAChRs, the target of PNU-282987 (
Fig. 2C, arrows).
34–36 In
Figure 2C, α7 nAChRs are found in cells of the INL and GCL, but do not colocalize with the antibody against tdTomato.