The ROI area was 0.003 ± 0.007 mm
2 for the epithelium, 0.100 ± 0.009 mm
2 for the stromal keratocyte layer, and 0.028 ± 0.009 mm
2 for the endothelium. Focus position was 7 ± 3 μm for the epithelium, 65 ± 11 μm for the keratocytes, and 564 ± 17 μm for the endothelium. The cells were marked manually and the instrument-based software (Heidelberg Eye Explorer software; Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Heidelberg, Berlin, Germany) automatically calculated cell densities (cells/mm
2). SBP morphology was quantified using automated software (ACCMetrics version 2.0; University of Manchester, Manchester, UK).
17 The following parameters were quantified: corneal nerve fiber density (CNFD), the number of nerve fibers/mm
2; corneal nerve branch density (CNBD), the number of primary branch points on the main nerve fibrers/mm
2; corneal nerve fiber length (CNFL), the total length of nerves mm/mm
2; corneal nerve fiber total branch density (CNTBD), the total number of branch points/mm
2; corneal nerve fibre area (CNFA), the total nerve fibre area mm
2; and corneal nerve fiber width (CNFW), the average nerve fiber width mm/mm