This study confirms two hypotheses we proposed based on our previous analysis of gene expression changes in glaucoma model ONHs. These are that there is evidence of (1) cell proliferation and (2) Il6-type cytokine signaling via the Jak-Stat signaling pathway in ONHs with early injury.
18 Additionally, we demonstrate that, while both astrocytes and microglia/macrophages proliferate in glaucoma model ONHs, the proliferation of astrocytes predominates.
Increases in cell density are not simply due to the loss of axons in these studies. In a previous study of axon counts versus injury grade in this model, we observed that only 15% of axons were injured in nerves with early injury.
47 Even in nerves with advanced injury, approximately 40% of axons were morphologically normal while axonal debris was in the initial stages of clearance. Importantly, three-dimensional reconstructions of early injury ONH from our model demonstrate that the volume of the ONH increases dramatically.
20 This increase is highly correlated with injury grade and results in an approximate doubling of the volume in ONHs with early injury (grade = 3) compared to controls. Note that the data presented in our current study are based on two-dimensional cell density measurements and, therefore, will actually underestimate the increased cellularity in the expanded volume of early glaucoma ONH.
Significant increases in the number of proliferating ONH cells, the majority of which were identified as astrocytes, were seen in the anterior region in both glaucoma model ONH injury groups. The nuclear Ki67 protein has been shown to be expressed for approximately 24 hours and during all phases of the cell division cycle, including in glial cells.
48–52 Ki67 protein is degraded in late mitosis and early G1 by the ubiquitin-proteasome system.
53 While the overall average percentage of cells that were proliferating at the time of tissue collection was only 2%, from the above it is reasonable to use this as an estimate of the daily rate of proliferation during the entire experimental period (35 days). This rate, applied to the density of DAPI
+ nuclei in control ONH (calculated mean advanced injury DAPI density = mean control DAPI density × 1.02
35) yields an approximate calculated final density of 13,000 to 14,000 nuclei/mm
2 and could account for much of the increase in cell density observed in ONHs with advanced injury (
Table 2). These increases would also include proliferating microvascular cells, fibroblasts, or other cells that do not label with the cell-type markers that we utilized, as suggested by
Figure 7. Another is the proliferation of NG2 (Cspg4+) glial cells, which are only present in the transition region of the rat
54 and have previously been reported to contribute to an increase in the number of oligodendrocytes in myelinated DBA/2J optic nerves with extensive axonal loss.
While ischemia/reperfusion brain injury has been reported to induce astrocyte proliferation,
56,57 in our microarray study
18 quantifying ONH gene expression changes in nerves with pressures and injury similar to that of the current study, we found that expression of
Hif1 and
Epo (two hypoxia-related markers) were not significantly different from controls in either early or advanced injury. This, along with optical coherence tomography angiography evidence that retinal and ONH blood flow are not compromised until IOP is well above 60 mm Hg,
58,59 suggests that the astrocyte proliferation observed here is unlikely to be simply a result of ischemia because peak IOPs do not exceed 60 mm Hg during the experimental time period (
Supplementary Fig. S5).
As anticipated, we found that Iba1-labeled cells (microglia or macrophages) increased in density in injured ONH. Previously, we reported that these increases were correlated with mean IOP exposure,
39 so the proportional relationship to nerve injury reported here was not surprising. However, it is important to note that proliferating Iba1-labeled cells constituted a minority of the mitotic cells in both the anterior and transition ONH regions. In general, in the current study, the Iba1
+ cell density did not significantly increase until axonal degeneration was advanced, indicating that microglia/macrophage densities are greatest when there is extensive axonal degeneration. Proliferation of these cells is a characteristic response to neural injury in the brain,
60,61 retina,
62–65 and optic nerve,
64,66,67 and microglial/macrophage proliferative responses have been studied in other glaucoma models in addition to ours. Using the laser photocoagulation model, Ebneter et al.
68 found activation of Iba1- and Ed1 (Cd68)-labeled cells in the retina, ONH, optic nerve, and optic tract, as evidenced by an increase in the labeled area that was correlated with the degree of axonal injury. Bosco et al.
12 demonstrated that early gliosis in DBA/2J mouse optic disks, as detected by confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy of CX3CR1+/GFP-labeled cells (microglia or macrophage), was correlated with the degree of optic nerve axonal degeneration. Lastly, it is important to point out that the increase in cell density reported here cannot be attributed primarily to monocytes, since cells labeled with the dual microglial/monocyte marker Iba1 remained a minor component of the ONH, particularly in the anterior region.
While alterations in astrocyte morphology have been documented in glaucoma model ONHs with early injury,
12,16 simultaneous increases in astrocyte density and proliferation in the ONH have not been carefully documented. We show here that astrocytes constitute the most abundant glial cell type in both the anterior and transition regions of the ONH. In our glaucoma model ONHs, during a time of active axon degeneration, astrocytes more than doubled in density in the anterior region. Additionally, astrocytes accounted for approximately 80% of mitotic glia in the anterior (unmyelinated) ONH and about 65% in the transition region.
When there is destruction of neural tissue, such as in spinal cord injuries
69 or cortical stab wounds,
70 up to 50% of affected astrocytes may divide within a few days and are thought to form a barrier between the lesion and surrounding tissue.
71 In some other types of neural injury, proliferation of microglia or oligodendroglia predominate whereas astrocyte proliferation is less,
60,72–76 including in the ONH following optic nerve transection.
66 The robust astrocytic proliferative response observed here by elevated IOP alone may be a unique aspect of early glaucomatous damage in the ONH. The predominance of these early responses in the anterior region, which is the site of the glial lamina and analogous to the primate lamina cribrosa, is consistent with the widely recognized observation that, in glaucoma, the lamina cribrosa is the primary site of injury.
The overall impact of astrocyte proliferation on axon integrity in this glaucoma model is likely twofold. First, while undergoing cell division, astrocytes change in morphology and their specific gene and protein expressions are altered, all of which may compromise their ability to provide functional support to axons passing through the ONH.
13,16,18,78,79 In the ONH, as elsewhere in the nervous system, astrocytic functions include regulation of water and ion fluxes, support for action potential propagation, the provision of metabolic precursors via vascular interactions and glycogen storage, the supply of neurotrophic factors and antioxidants, the provision of communication and diffusion via gap junctions, the removal of cellular debris, and the generation of extracellular matrix.
54,80–87 Unmyelinated axons of the anterior ONH are particularly vulnerable to this decreased support due to their high metabolic demands.
88–91 Second, cell proliferation itself is an energy-consuming process that can double astrocyte glucose uptake.
92,93 Therefore, cell proliferation in the injured ONH is likely to place an additional metabolic stress on injured and remaining ONH axons.
In our microarray study, we identified upregulation of cell proliferation genes as well as genes associated with interleukin 6–type cytokines and the Jak-Stat signaling pathway.
18 Here we demonstrate that early in glaucomatous injury, the transcription factor, Stat3, is activated by phosphorylation in the ONH and that this occurs primarily in astrocytes. This labeling is most dramatic in conjunction with significant Ki67 labeling in these cells in the anterior region of the ONH, where the greatest increase in astrocyte density occurs. This suggests that Stat3 phosphorylation may signal astrocyte proliferation in response to elevated IOP injury. A key role for this pathway in astrocyte proliferation has been described in the spinal cord
94 and brain injury.
Stat3 has been identified as necessary and sufficient for astrocyte differentiation and is a central regulator of astrocyte reactivity and proliferation.
46,94,96 Sun et al.
17 recently demonstrated pStat3 ONH labeling following various types of optic nerve injury in mice, including that following exposure to elevated IOP, similar to our report here. They also reported that the knockout of Stat3 in astrocytes attenuated astrocyte remodeling and decreased ganglion cell and axon survival as well as visual function following these injuries. In contrast, pharmacologic inhibition of ONH Stat3 following ischemic injury has been reported to increase axon survival in the optic nerve and retina, as well as ganglion cell survival.
97 In other neural tissues, Stat3 deletion or inhibition has been reported to reduce gliosis
98 and both reduce
99–102 and increase
103–105 neural injury. Therefore, while Stat3 phosphorylation may signal astrocytic proliferation in glaucoma model ONH, this has not been conclusively demonstrated, and the overall roles of Stat3 activation and the pathways that it may signal, including cell proliferation, in axonal degeneration warrant further clarification using other models of induced as well as experimental glaucoma.
One of the biggest challenges with any chronic experimental glaucoma model is that it is difficult to separate temporally early from late events. We, and others, have equated minimal focal injury with early injury and more widespread injury with advanced injury.
18,20,106–109 Still, the time course for these protein expression changes must be inferred, because IOP magnitude and duration cannot be precisely controlled. To address this problem, we recently developed a controlled elevation of IOP (CEI) model that produces many of the ONH message changes and axonal injury patterns seen previously in our chronic model.
110 The advantage of this approach is that pressure is elevated to a known level for a specific amount of time, and animals can be studied at any recovery time point following this exposure. In this new model, we showed that there is significant upregulation of various Il-6 type cytokines in the ONH during pressure elevation and that this precedes increases in cell proliferation–related genes (e.g.,
Top2A and
Prc1), further supporting early involvement of the Jak-Stat pathway and consistent with the possibility that this drives cell proliferation. Further studies using this model are now underway to understand better the chronologic events leading to glial proliferation in the ONH and determine their relationship to axonal injury.