The study was carried out on 12 healthy subjects (8 male, 4 female) with no history of balance discomfort, disorder, or drug use affecting the central nervous system. Due to the age effect on dizziness prevalence, the study population was balanced in terms of age. Half of the participants were <35 years old (four male, three female; mean age, 27.6 years [SD 4.5]) and the other half was >49 (four male, one female; mean age, 59.0 years [SD 10.2]). All participants were subject to an eye examination ensuring normal corrected visual acuity (VA ≥ 1.0), stereoscopic vision (TNO ≥ 60”), no latent strabismus larger than two exo- or esophoria at distance, and normal eye motility. In addition, the head impulse test was performed to determine a healthy vestibulo-ocular reflex, as well as Romberg's test to ensure healthy postural balance control.
All subjects were exposed to all test conditions. The test order was balanced according to test modality, visual and vestibular, and stimuli intensity, low and high. Each subject was either presented to clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW) rotation. The research was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects after explanation of the nature and possible consequences of the study. The research was approved by the Regional Ethics Committee of Stockholm (EPN 2018-1768-31-1).