In this study, we have shown that cigarette smoking had a dose-dependent association with reduction of CVI in male smokers free of any systemic or ocular diseases. There was no significant association between cigarette smoking and FRT or SFCT.
Several pathogenic mechanisms linking cigarette smoking to systemic vascular dysfunction have been demonstrated in the literature. Firstly, components in cigarette smoke, particularly nicotine, was associated with a direct toxic effect to endothelium, resulting in its structural damage both in vitro and in vivo.
19,20 Secondly, smoking was shown to interfere with normal vascular physiology. Flow-mediated vasodilatation in brachial and coronary arteries was reported to be impaired by smoking.
21,22 Thirdly, smoking was associated with a change in serum lipid profiles in a proatherogenic manner.
23,24 Lastly, cigarette smoking was linked to inflammation, which was tightly correlated with formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
25 This was supported by the findings of elevated white blood cell counts and proinflammatory cytokines in smokers.
The choroid is the vascular layer of the eye. It has the highest blood flow per unit weight of all tissues in the body.
29 Many systemic physiological and pathological conditions that affect hemodynamics are shown to have an impact on choroidal structure and function.
9 The effect of smoking on the choroid has been studied previously. Using Wistar rat as an animal model, the index of choroidal vascular resistance—defined as systolic tail arterial pressure/choroidal blood flow—increased significantly after inhalation of smoke for 25 weeks. However, there were no histopathological abnormalities detected in the choroid.
30 Looking at the acute effects of smoking on ocular hemodynamics with the laser speckle method, cigarette smoking increased blood velocity in the choroid-retina in habitual smokers within 30 minutes after smoking.
Using OCT technology, we investigated the effect of smoking on choroidal thickness. However, the results were inconsistent. In the assessment of the acute effect of smoking, Sizmaz et al. showed cigarette smoking caused a significant decrease in CT 1 and 3 hours after smoking,
10 while Ulas et al. reported a significant increase in CT within 1 hour of smoking that subsequently returned to baseline.
11 Regarding chronic effects of smoking, decreased CT were more often observed in chronic smokers.
12,14 However, there was one report that showed no significant difference in CT between smokers and non-smokers.
13 This discrepancy can also be due to the fact that CT being a single dimension measurement may result in possible inherent variability.
Choroid is a heterogeneous tissue consisting of blood vessels and stroma including connective tissue, nerves, extracellular fluid, and melanocytes. Measurement of CVI takes into account both the vascular and interstitial components of the choroid. Therefore, CVI might be a more robust marker than CT. Indeed, in a large cohort of healthy subjects, CVI (but not CT) was shown to be independent from ocular and systemic factors such as axial length, intraocular pressure, age, and systolic blood pressure.
16 The utility of CVI to evaluate choroidal vasculature was also validated in common ocular and systemic diseases.
15,32–38 In this study, cigarette smoking was shown to be associated with decreased CVI and not CT. This effect may arise from decreased LA or increased SA or a combination of both in chronic smokers. The exact mechanism was not explored in the current study. but a plausible hypothesis could be extrapolated from how cigarette smoking affects blood vessels elsewhere in the body. Decreased LA could be a result of impaired vasodilatation secondary to endothelial dysfunction, whereas increased SA might be due to a chronic proinflammatory response leading to exudation and fibrosis. In addition, CVI is a two-dimensional measurement and can provide more robustness and stability to the measurement as against CT, which is a single-dimensional measurement. Further studies would be required to test these hypotheses.
In our study, there was no significant difference in retinal thickness at the fovea between smokers and the control group. This result was consistent with previous reports in which smoking did not appear to affect retinal thickness in the healthy population,
11,13,14 although certain layers within the retina could be thinner in smokers, such as the ganglion cell complex layer
14 and retinal nerve fiber layer.
39 Interestingly, in our subgroup analysis, those who smoked 8 to 12 pack-years had higher FRT compared to controls. This difference could be real or a chance occurrence without true correlation, considering the fact that this was a posthoc subgroup analysis and that those with higher or lower cigarette exposure did not show any association. Future studies with larger sample size would be needed to validate this observation.
There are several limitations of this study. First, all participants were male. It was not clear whether similar changes could be observed in female smokers. Second, the average age of smokers was approximately 5 years older than that of non-smokers. However, this was accounted for with linear mixed model in data analysis. Third, due to the cross-sectional nature of this study, we were unable to establish a causal relationship between cigarette smoking and reduced CVI. Fourth, the sample size in our study is relatively small. It may not be powered to detect a difference in FRT and SFCT between smokers and non-smokers; however, we were able to demonstrate a significant relationship between CVI and smoking. The posthoc analysis between CVI and smoking stratified by cigarette exposure is also limited by a small sample size. Lastly, cigarettes consumed by subjects in this study included commercially available cigarettes containing tobacco, excluding other forms, such as cigars and herbal or menthol cigarette. Inability to control the brand of cigarettes that may have different composition was a limitation of our study.
In conclusion, cigarette smoking was shown to be associated with lower choroidal vascularity measured by CVI in a dose dependent manner. The utility of CVI as a non-invasive marker to predict systemic vascular dysfunction or onset of ocular diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration in smokers is worth exploring in future studies.