Although the protein component of AH is very dilute compared with that of plasma, most of the protein mass in AH is thought to arise from plasma. However, AH is not a simple diffusate of plasma, because it has both qualitative and quantitative differences in protein content relative to plasma.
By analyzing the MW of plasma-derived proteins in AH, we found that lower-MW proteins tended to penetrate AH more readily than higher-MW proteins. Indeed, AH concentrations of plasma-derived proteins are a function of MW. The logarithmic function is consistent with the model in which plasma proteins pass into AH by diffusing through ciliary body and iris stroma along a concentration gradient.
4,5,43 Our study adds to the mounting evidence that the blood-aqueous barrier, as it pertains to the anterior chamber, is best thought of as a size-dependent diffusional gradient.
4,5,43 A similar model has been proposed for entry of plasma proteins into CSF through the blood-CSF barrier.
Introducing the AH:PL versus MW logarithmic function enables the estimation of the AH level of a plasma protein and the calculation of the contribution of intraocular tissues to the total aqueous concentration of the protein. By taking the IOF of an aqueous protein into account, one may be able to assess the protein's relative importance to ocular physiology and the pathogenesis of various eye diseases. Proteins with high IOF are more likely to be derived from the corneal endothelium, trabecular meshwork, iris, lens, and ciliary body, and represent disease biomarkers. These proteins may serve a potential target for further studies that look for differences in protein concentration in AH in various pathologic ocular conditions. In addition, our findings could be used to help understand what occurs in conditions associated with the breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier. The most abundant proteins in AH, albumin and IgG, are plasma derived and have a low IOF. Although purely plasma-derived proteins may be important for normal ocular physiology, their aqueous concentrations are directly dependent on their plasma concentration and MW and thus their ocular function is regulated by their systemic levels.
It is important to note some limitations building our model. We assume that a protein is essentially plasma-derived if it is a known high-abundance plasma protein and lacks a known EST from intraocular tissues. The catalog of genes identified by EST sequencing of a cDNA library reflects a random sample of the mRNA present in the cell. For abundantly expressed genes, the library provides a good indication of the gene transcription in the tissue. However, less transcriptionally active genes might be missed during the generation of the library. Furthermore, transcript levels do not necessarily reflect protein levels.
44 Hence, we may have missed the intraocular contribution to the aqueous concentration for some low-abundance proteins. However, given the overall curve fitting, we think the intraocular contribution for the proteins used to build the model is likely negligible.
Another limitation of our targeted approach is that the analysis is restricted to proteins that are available for ELISA and/or quantitative antibody microarrays. Therefore, only a very limited number of proteins in AH could be quantified. Although our study was thorough, the 93 proteins we quantified in both the AH and plasma are only a fraction of the aqueous proteome.
Between aqueous and plasma samples collected concurrently, we found strong correlations in concentrations for small proteins but poor correlations for large proteins. This suggests that small proteins diffuse rapidly enough into AH to quantitatively reflect the plasma concentrations. In contrast, larger proteins diffuse far more slowly into AH so that by the time the proteins reach the AH, the plasma concentrations have changed sufficiently such that there is no longer correlation between the corresponding concentrations.
In conclusion, to our knowledge, this study is the first to simultaneously measure the protein concentration in aqueous and plasma in a large number of proteins. Our comprehensive analysis, demonstrating the logarithmic relationship of the MW and the AH:PL, enables an estimate of the contribution of intraocular tissues to the total aqueous concentration of a protein. Moreover, taking the IOF of proteins into account may help guide future studies of AH proteomics by providing potential ocular-derived protein targets that are relevant to ocular physiology and disease.