Our method for measuring the LC microstructure from SHG image volumes of the human LC produced quantitative findings similar to those previously reported by other methods. The average beam width was 36.23 ± 2.65 μm, which is comparable to previous beam width measurements by OCT (38.1 ± 1.4 μm by Nadler et al.
48 and 46.7 ± 3.2 μm by Wang et al.
28). The average pore area fraction, 0.43 ± 0.05, also was similar to the 0.48 value for proportionate pore area for the posterior LC in histologic sections,
18 but somewhat higher than the 34.5% ± 7.6% measured by SEM.
23 The average tortuosity of the collagen beams (1.13 ± 0.02) was also larger than the range of tortuosities (1–1.12) measured by Brazile et al.
49 for the collagen fibers within the LC beams of sheep eyes. While our specimens had been inflation tested, they were not chemically fixed and remained in a fully hydrated state, compared to histologic sections or dried scanning microscopy specimens. Differences in the structural measures between methods could also be caused by variations between species, differences in the imaging and segmentation approaches, and differences in the specimen preparation methods. We confirmed that the segmentation method was appropriate by comparing the difference in resulting pore area fraction from manual segmentation and that from the Matlab algorithm. Two local regions of size 200 μm × 200 μm on the 30th z-slice of all specimens were selected for manual segmentation. For a representative beam width of 7, 8 (used in this study), and 9 pixels, the average absolute percentage difference in resulting pore area fraction when compared to manual segmentation was 16.91%, 3.87%, and 37.97%, respectively; while the average difference between two manual tracings by the same operator on 10 of the regions was 4.37%. This showed that despite an overestimation or underestimation that may be uniformly applied across images during autosegmentation, the approach eliminates human error in manual identification especially in regions with lower beam contrast. In addition, we compared the resulting pore area fraction from the three representative beam widths (7, 8, and 9 pixels) with the maximum principal strain
Emax in our linear regression model. The change in parameter did not affect the conclusion that specimen-averaged pore area fraction increased with increasing pore area fraction. Overlaying the segmented structures onto the original SHG image volume also served to visually verify that the segmentation method was sound.
There were significant correlations between LC structural features and strains measured in the same specimens, both globally and regionally. Strains were larger with higher pore area, lower beam connectivity, and more tortuous, thinner beams. These findings show that an LC network structure with a lower connective tissue content and fewer beam connections is associated with greater IOP-induced strains. All strain measures increased significantly with larger pore area, and greater pore area and greater connectivity were the most predictive factors determining regional maximum principal and maximum shear strains, respectively. Our measurements reflected the tissue structure and mechanical behavior at a single point in time for each LC. It is reasonable to speculate that areas with larger tensile and shear strains would induce stretch activation of astrocytes and lamina cribrosacytes that reside on and within the LC beams. Such stimulation would potentially cause regionally greater connective tissue remodeling of the beam structure, with either protective or adverse effects on RGC axons passing through those zones.
We found correlations among LC structural features that have not been detected previously. Lower connectivity and longer beam length were associated with larger pore area fraction, while a longer beam length was associated with a higher degree of beam alignment. Regions with higher pore area fraction likely have longer, but fewer beams to form junctions and connections, and regions with longer but fewer beams would increase anisotropy. We also observed that longer beams were associated with a lower node density and a higher beam aspect ratio.
In both the analysis of the specimen-averaged and regionally averaged outcomes, variations in structural features that would lead to a more compliant network structure were associated with greater strains. Different structural features affected the normal strains,
Err and
Eθθ, and shear strain
Erθ. We found significant differences between the central and peripheral LC regions for four structural features and for all five strain measures. The pore area fraction was 15% larger in the peripheral region, which agrees with the findings of lower connective tissue volume fraction in the periphery in previous studies using SEM and histology.
17,54 We also found that the peripheral LC had more curved beams and lower connectivity and node density than the central LC, which may contribute to its more compliant network structure and higher strains. Strains and structural features also covaried among LC quadrants. In the peripheral LC, the nasal quadrant had the lowest
Emax, Γ
max, and
Err strains; the lowest pore area fraction; and highest node density. Lower pore area fraction and higher node density both suggest a stiffer network structure, which can lead to lower strains in the peripheral nasal region of the LC and may promote the resilience of the nasal neural-retinal rim in advanced glaucoma.
34,35 While the strains were more uniform in the central LC, its inferior quadrant had the highest
Emax and Γ
max. The beam alignment (anisotropy) was highest in the central inferior region. Computational modeling is needed to evaluate the extent that the small, but significant variation in the anisotropy contributed to the more compliant strain response of the central inferior quadrant.
The correlations between LC structure and strain suggest that these parameters may be useful predictors of the risk and progression of glaucoma damage. As described above, the zones of greater RGC axon damage correspond to the inferior and peripheral LC in glaucoma. The regional findings of our analysis are consistent with this greater susceptibility. In vivo measurements of the pore area fraction and beam width are becoming more accessible with the developments of adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy,
29 swept-source OCT,
28 and adaptive optics spectral-domain OCT.
55–57 These advanced imaging methods permit high-quality visualization of the LC structure, including beam thickness and pore geometry and depth variations of these features.
However, variations in structural features could not explain all of the observed strain variations. All strain components varied significantly with age, but none of the structural features varied with age. While the differences in the structural features between the central and peripheral LC were modest (3%–20%), the strains differed by 25% to 50%. Larger differences were also measured for strains than for structural features among the four LC quadrants. These suggest that factors other than LC microstructure as measured by the present methods contributed to variations in strains. The increased stiffness of the LC may be caused by an increase in the modulus of the extracellular matrix material of the LC, for example, by the loss of glycosaminoglycans,
46 accumulation of elastin and collagen with age,
59 or by age-related cross-linking of the collagen structure. Previous ex vivo inflation tests have also shown that the inflation response (pressure-strain) of the sclera became stiffer with age.
60 The anisotropy of the collagen structure of the posterior sclera also decreased with age, and inverse finite element analysis using specimen specific collagen structure and scleral shape showed that the elastic modulus of the sclera, specifically of the components not associated with the aligned collagen fibers, increased with age.
61,62 While a similar inverse analysis is needed to determine the material properties of the LC, the findings here suggest that the age-related stiffening of the pressure-strain response of the LC is not caused by changes in the pore and beam microstructure of the LC. In addition, the LC strain is influenced by the behavior of the parapapillary sclera. The parapapillary sclera is thicker than the LC, has a higher connective tissue density, and has a highly aligned circumferential collagen structure. The mismatch between parapapillary sclera and LC in response to IOP change likely induces a strain concentration at the scleral junction that produces a significant difference between the central and peripheral LC strain independent of LC internal structure.
Another parameter that affected the relationship between LC structural elements and strains was the LC area, which varies dramatically among human eyes and has been shown to be an epidemiologic risk factor for glaucoma prevalence, with larger discs at greater risk.
65,66 In larger LCs, there were larger values for pore area fraction, tortuosity, and beam aspect ratio, and lower connectivity. Each of these tendencies was associated with higher strains. Our previous study has not found a statistically significant variation between the strain and LC area,
32 perhaps because of the smaller sample size.
There were several limitations to this study. The strain and structural features were measured from SHG images of the LC collagen structure, which suffers from significant blurring in the Z direction. We applied a series of image processing techniques to reduce the blur and noise and to enhance contrast, but the features remained elongated in the anterior-posterior direction of the LC. This resulted in higher errors for the out-of-plane compressive strain EZZ, and EZZ was excluded from the analysis for age and region variations and for strain and structure correlations. We estimated the DVC displacement and strain error for every specimen to ensure that the strain variations measured here were all larger than the specimen-averaged absolute error (Supplementary Section S3). The blurring in Z should not have affected the measurement of the beam structures, because we assumed that the beams mainly lie in the plane.
The LC mask was segmented by using the maximum z-projection image of each LC volume, which could result in a smaller LC area and hide the beams in the peripheral LC from the microstructural analysis. We then applied a 2D skeletonization method to each z-slice to generate the skeletonized beam network that was used to calculate the node density, beam length, aspect ratio, tortuosity, connectivity, orientation, and anisotropy. Histology, polarized light microscopy, and SHG images of LC longitudinal and cross sections of normal human eyes showed that the beams mainly lie in the plane.
67–69 However, a small out-of-plane orientation of the beam may lead to a shorter beam length and other errors in the connectivity and pore density. The LC undergoes significant remodeling in glaucoma and can appear deeply cupped in donors with advanced glaucoma. The present study examined eyes that had no history of glaucoma. The 2D skeletonization method may underestimate the beam length, orientation, anisotropy, and tortuosity in the LC of glaucoma eyes.
The specimens contained one eye from a Hispanic donor. There may be racioethnic differences in the structural features and biomechanical responses of the LC between the Hispanic donor and Caucasian donors. We repeated the statistical analysis for correlations between the specimen-averaged strain outcomes and pore area fraction and beam aspect ratio. Removing the Hispanic donor eye changed the P values but did not alter the significant findings of this analysis.
While structural features were not associated with age for the 10 specimens in the age range of 26 to 90 years, we found a borderline significant (P = 0.06) decrease in the specimen-averaged tortuosity with increasing age. The comparison may become significant with more specimens from younger donors.
Finally, the biomechanical response could be affected by the thickness of the LC after enucleation. If a sizable stump was left on the inflation-tested specimen, the dura may increase the stiffness of the sclera canal opening and the RGC axons may constrain the posterior deflection of the LC under inflation. We removed the optic nerve up to the LC posterior surface to image the LC structure for strain and structural measurements. To ensure that we did not remove a significant portion of the LC, the specimen was imaged after each thin cut under a dissecting microscope during the specimen preparation process. The SHG method was able to image through 300 μm of the posterior LC surface, but the more anterior and posterior z-slices had large DVC error and unreliable structural measurements, either because of surface roughness or light attenuation, and were excluded from the average strain and structure calculations. For all specimens, the most anterior slice used for structural characterization was between 225 to 270 μm from the posterior surface, and the most posterior slice used was between 150 to 210 μm from the posterior surface. Previous histologic studies have shown that the number of pores increases and the pore size decreases anterior-posteriorly.
18 There may be differences in structural parameters between more anterior and more posterior sections that were not captured within the slices selected for structural analysis. Further, the thickness of LC was not measured, since the tissues were preserved for wide-angle X-ray scattering analysis
70 after inflation testing. Variation in regional LC thickness may contribute to the regional variation in inflation strain response. Improved depth penetration of the imaging method is needed to investigate the differences across z-depth.