The precise cellular sources and mechanisms underlying the observed elevations of hsa-miR-210-3p expression are yet to be determined, but previous studies have provided important clues regarding this aspect. MiR-210-3p was well studied as a micromanager of the hypoxia pathway.
46 Hsa-miR-210-3p may act as a circulating factor in response to hypoxic environments at high altitudes.
47 Microarray analysis has shown that its induction was the most significant under hypoxic conditions. The regulation of hsa-miR-210 by hypoxia was mediated by the hypoxia-inducible factor-1a (HIF-1a)/VHL transcriptional system and/or HIF-2a.
48–50 Consistently, studies have shown that exosomal miR-210-3p could be delivered into endothelial cells and directly inhibit the expression of SMAD4 and STAT6, resulting in enhanced angiogenesis.
51 However, many previous researchers have shown that miR-210 upregulation could cause harm to various kinds of cells. For instance, the expression of hsa-miR-210-3p led to placental mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress.
52 Upregulation of rno-miR-210-3p under acute cold stress conditions was shown to enhance the mitochondrial respiratory capacity of cells, but caused cell death.
53 In addition, the elevation of miR-210-3p expression was shown to contribute to dopamine neuron damage by reducing brain-derived neurotrophic factor production.
54 It is generally agreed that the increase in IOP and vascular dysregulation are two important causes of glaucoma; they can cause ischemia and hypoxia in the components of the optic nerve head and thus induce mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress.
55,56 Therefore, we speculate that hypoxia in the retina of an eye with glaucoma may induce the elevation of hsa-miR-210-3p expression, which may enhance mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and lead to RGC death and RNFL thinning. Previous studies by our group and others,
13,57,58 however, did not find the expression of hsa-miR-210-3p to be changed in the aqueous humor of the eyes of POAG patients, indicating that the elevation of hsa-miR-210-3p levels in blood may not be due to the direct release of hsa-miR-210-3p from the eyes of POAG patients. The expression of miRNAs in the aqueous humor is not totally representative of, and may partly reflect, that in the retina. There is also a hypothesis that systemic mitochondrial dysfunction itself is an original cause, rather than a consequence, of glaucoma-related neurodegeneration. Using conventional and next-generation massively parallel sequencing, a recent publication has reported that 50% of POAG cases show pathogenic mtDNA mutations. Approximately one-third of mutations were in one of the complex-I mitochondrial genes (
ND5 gene).
59 Complex-I defects have been demonstrated in the lymphoblasts of POAG patients, leading to decreased rates of respiration and ATP production.
60 Taken together with various dysregulated oxidation-related factors found in previous studies, we also assume that the elevation of hsa-miR-210-3p itself may be a signal of systemic mitochondrial dysfunction and thus be a cause of POAG. Overall, based on previously published studies, there may be several ways to explain the elevated miR-210-3p levels in the blood of POAG patients: (1) Hypoxia in the retina of an eye of a patient with glaucoma may induce the elevation of hsa-miR-210-3p expression; however, previous studies by our group and others
13,57,58 have not detected elevated miR-210-3p levels in the aqueous humor of eyes of POAG patients. This implies that the miR-210-3p in the blood may not come directly from the retina. Hypoxia in the retina of eyes of glaucoma patients may release certain signals that are still unknown to us and then induce the increase in hsa-miR-210-3p expression. (2) Previous studies have found that systemic mitochondrial dysfunction was detected in POAG patients
55,56,59,60; therefore, we assume that the elevation of hsa-miR-210-3p itself may be a signal of systemic mitochondrial dysfunction related to POAG. However, whether the upregulated miR-210-3p in the blood crosses the blood-retinal barrier to act on the retina or mitochondrial dysfunction occurs at the same time in the retina and increases the miR-210-3p expression at local sites remains to be ascertained. Further studies are needed to determine whether the elevation of hsa-miR-210-3p is a cause, a result, and/or a concomitant factor of POAG.