The present study has a few limitations. It is a cross-sectional study; therefore, we are unable to answer the question regarding which event comes first: the loss of retinal ganglion cells or the reduction of retinal blood flow and retinal oxygen extraction. The objective yet non-invasive nature of the technique is suitable for longitudinal studies to help us determine this causal inter-relationship. In addition, we did not perform macular OCT scans, which may provide a more reliable estimate of RGC counts.
54,55 Finally, we need to consider the errors of Doppler OCT and spectroscopic reflectometry measurements. Doppler OCT has been validated against invasive microsphere technology in primates,
24 where eye motion can be eliminated. In humans, validation is difficult due to the absence of a gold standard technology, and the error of measurements is difficult to estimate. We did, however, show previously that there is good correlation with laser Doppler velocimetry,
22 that retinal blood flow shows the expected decrease with breathing of 100% oxygen,
22 and that the law of mass conservation is fulfilled at retinal bifurcations.
23 Moreover, our previous data
15,26—as well as the data from the present study—have shown excellent agreement between retinal arterial and retinal venous blood flow values. Spectroscopic reflectometry validation is even more difficult because of the lack of a gold standard technique. Microelectrode measurements provide local values of retinal oxygen tension only.
45,46 Phosphorescence quenching measures retinal oxygen tension in retinal vessels,
56,57 and direct comparison with oxygen saturation measurements as obtained in the present study may be difficult. However, there are several studies indicating that the technique provides sufficiently valid measurements. Oxygen saturation in retinal arteries is reduced in patients with systemic diseases (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
58 or Eisenmenger's syndrome
59), and the values correlate with the degree of systemic hypoxia. The degree of systemic hypoxia is also well reflected when healthy subjects inhale mixtures with low oxygen content.
60,61 A recent study indicated that oxygen saturation measurements are influenced by blood velocity, an effect for which we did not correct.
62 Another limitation is that the method of measuring SaO
2 is currently not good enough to measure the loss in arterial oxygen saturation along a single vessel. Importantly, this change in SaO
2 along the vessel is very small as also indicated from our estimation of oxygen flux that is based on invasive measurements in animal models.