Purpose :
To study AMD drusenoid deposits “L” and “P”, their evolution with multimodal imaging and morphology-structural software to enhance drusenoid deposits knowledge and etiopathogenesis
Methods :
184 eyes of 94 patients,32 men,62 women, with AMD drusenoid deposits “L”, Lipid Type (soft Drusen, Drusenoid PED “L”)and “P”, Protein-cellular type (Pseudovitellifom AMD, Cuticular drusen, Subretinal drusenoid deposits(SDD), Drusenoid PED,”P”). Deposits were evaluated by Autofluorescence, IR imaging, OCT, notably OCT en Face(Spectralis HRA-OCT, spectral domain OCT), and Morphology-Structural software (M-S software). ETDRS visual acuity(VA),complete ophthalmic examination with Fundus exam were added. Size, characteristics, number, topography of the “L” and “P” deposits, their environment above and below were evaluated, each element was studied, compared cut to cut, layer to layer and time to time. M-S software let analyze drusenoid deposit volume and contours, 3D deposit reconstruction, display in 3D space, let drusenoid deposit contents analyze, discrimination, differentiation, let grading(volume and contours analyze),let measurements: volume(in µm3), density(grey levels of deposits), structure(structural measures, texture parameters), evaluation and characterization of those “L” and “P” type deposits. Evaluation, comparison for each eye, for each patient, between all studied patients, was done every 6 months, so drusenoid deposit structural evolution assessment too. 5 years follow-up
Results :
AMD Drusenoid Deposits “L” are: dark grey, optical empty, fatty, equal and the same in all cross-section(OCT/OCT enface); “P” are: dense, white, heterogeneous PED, different in all cross-sections(OCT/OCT enface). From M-S software, “L” have rather Low density, “P” Medium density. Cycle evolution was seen for Density and Structure with stepwise regression for density parameter (“L”), with bell-shaped curve for structure parameter (“L”),and density and structure parameter(“P”). Evolution was mostly to atrophy(“L”),to neovascularization(“P”)
Conclusions :
Multimodal Imaging, Morphology-Structural Software contribute to and improve AMD Drusenoid deposits “L”, “P”, study and knowledge and so AMD etiopathogenesis understanding
This abstract was presented at the 2019 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Vancouver, Canada, April 28 - May 2, 2019.