Purpose :
To compare the visual acuity while reading a text under different contrast conditions: black letters on white background (BoW condition) versus white letters on black background (WoB condition).
Methods :
We conducted a prospective observational study, which included 53 patients who consulted an ophthalmologist during November 2018. Visual acuity of the eye while reading a text with BoW or WoB contrast polarity was obtained objectively with a Monoyer Test after optical correction.
Visual acuity was measured in logmar.
Our primary endpoint was the difference of visual acuity between both tests in logmar.
Results :
We had 53 patients (50% women) with a mean age of 61 years (SD 15). Among the 106 eyes, 53 were phakic (50%), and 53 pseudophakic with mono-focal implant (50%), 12 (11%) had atrophic DMLA, 24 (22%) were treated for glaucoma, 6 (5%) have been treated with refractive surgery. The intra ocular pressure was 15 mmHg (SD 5). The analysis shows a difference of - 0.005 logmar p (<0.001) with the WoB condition in 27% of the eyes analyzed.
Conclusions :
Visual acuity seems better on a WoB condition with a statistically significant difference.
However, this difference seems to have little impact on clinical practice.
It seems interesting to evaluate this difference in visual acuity in patients with low vision.
This abstract was presented at the 2019 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Vancouver, Canada, April 28 - May 2, 2019.