Purpose :
To determine the outcomes and recurrence rate of a cohort of patients with a diagnosis of periocular basal cell carcinoma (BCC) over a 5 year period.
Methods :
A retrospective study was conducted over a 5 year period (2012-2016) for all patients who underwent excision of periocular basal cell carcinoma (BCC) at the New Victoria university teaching hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. Data for all patients with a histologically confirmed diagnosis of periocular BCC was extracted from patient clinical notes as well as electronic patient records. Notes were analyzed systematically, documenting demographics, tumour localization, histopathologic subtype, surgical management and recurrence.
Results :
Seventy-four patients were found to have biopsy proven periocular basal cell carcinomas during this time period. Of those patients, 41% were Male and 59% were Female.
37 patients (50%) presented with Medial canthal BCCs. 23 patients (31%) presented with lower lid BCCs. The most common histological subtype in our cohort of patients was the nodular BCC.
28 patients (38%) underwent Moh’s micrographic surgery with secondary repair, from this sample the nodular histological subtype occurred in 18 patients (64%) with the medial canthus being the most common location in 13 patients.
10% of patients (3/28) had recurrences, all of which were of the nodular histological subtype.
30 Patients (40.5%) underwent primary excision with repair. Five patients (6.75%) underwent Cryotherapy as their main treatment with no recurrences reported. The overall recurrence rate (8.1%), three of these patients were found to have medial canthal BCCs.
53 patients (71.6%) had good functional and cosmetic results documented. There were no surgical related complications.
Conclusions :
Moh’s micrographic surgery remains the gold standard for the treatment of ocular basal cell carcinomas but BCC treatment modality can be tailored to individual patients having discussed the risks versus benefits of the options. BCCs involving the medial canthal region are associated with an increased risk of recurrence. The overall recurrence rate in our cohort of patients was 8% which is in keeping with current literature.
This abstract was presented at the 2019 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Vancouver, Canada, April 28 - May 2, 2019.