Purpose :
The onset of cataract in patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) can cause additional loss of function in patients who already have significant visual disability. Understandably those who develop cataract are keen for surgery in the hope that function will improve however visual decline in RP is complex and patients can be disappointed with the result despite extensive counselling. The purpose of this study is to assess the reported benefits of cataract surgery in 25 patients enrolled in the All Ireland Retinal Degeneration Partnership Project.
Methods :
A questionnaire was constructed to determine whether the patients reported benefit from cataract surgery. Questions included pre-operative, immediate post-operative and long term outcome of surgery; whether patients felt well informed prior to surgery: expectation of vision immediately post operatively, their feelings of happiness or disappointment; if they would opt to have their ‘second eye’ surgery and if they would recommend similar surgery to another patient with R.P.
Results :
Responses were collected in 25 patients (100% recruitment). The results show that 68% of patients felt that the potential outcome of their surgery was well explained; 24% reported being moderately well informed and 8% indicated that they were not well informed. Patient’s expectation of vision improvement ranged from good (32%), moderate (32%) and little (36%). Sixty percent noticed immediate improvement, 32% no improvement, 4% didn’t know and 4% could not remember. In terms of outcome: 48% were very pleased, 24% were pleased and 28% were disappointed; 56% reported an improvement in Quality of life. In terms of recommending cataract surgery to another affected person 72% said yes, while 28% no. Post-surgical visual disturbances were reported by 24%. Posterior capsule thickening developed in 52%. Sixty-eight % of participants indicated that they would be prepared to have second eye surgery.
Conclusions :
We conclude that the results show that 72% of patients with R.P reported benefit from cataract surgery, however, 100% of patients would recommend cataract surgery to other patients who had cataract and R.P.
This abstract was presented at the 2019 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Vancouver, Canada, April 28 - May 2, 2019.