Purpose :
Demodex resides in both the lashes and skin. Mite counts were compared on the cheeks and lashes with adhesive tape impressions and epilation.
Methods :
Demodex in the lashes was determined by epilation of 4 lashes per upper lid and counted while viewing under microscope. Adhesive tape impressions were performed by affixing tape onto both cheeks, removed, mounted on a slide, then viewed under microscope. Total Ocular Symptom Score (TOSS) questionnaire, OSDI and DEQ 5 was filled out by each patient. Lid laxity was determined with lid snap test (Grades 0 tight lid to 4 loose lid).
Results :
28 consecutive patients were examined. Cheek mite counts were moderately correlated with lash mite counts (r=0.37; p=0.05) Average mite counts were lower in the cheeks (mean = 0.72; SD=0.8) compared to lashes (mean =3.6, SD=4.9). Lid laxity was strongly correlated with lash mite counts (r=0.59; p=.0009), but not cheek counts. Total TOSS questionnaire score was not significantly correlated, but one question about self-reported redness was strongly correlated with lash mite counts (r=0.51; p=0.005) There were no correlations seen with cheek or lash counts with OSDI or DEQ5 scores.
Conclusions :
Adhesive tape impressions on skin was significantly correlated with lash epilation counts. However, fewer mites were seen with adhesive tape skin impressions when compared to epilated lashes.
This abstract was presented at the 2019 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Vancouver, Canada, April 28 - May 2, 2019.