Purpose :
Patients may be dissatisfied with residual myopic/astigmatic refractive errors after premium cataract due to high expectations. We aimed to evaluate TE-PRK for patients with residual myopia and myopic astigmatism after cataract surgery using the high speed, Schwind Amaris (SA) 1050 with SmartSurfACE .
Methods :
Retrospective case series study at laser refractive clinic. Case inclusion criteria were eyes with residual myopia or myopic astigmatism that previously underwent cataract or refractive surgery. Patients were treated with TE-PRK using SA1050 SmartSurfACE. Data collected in 2 groups: one cohort underwent cataract surgery previously, and the second had undergone corneal refractive surgery prior to cataract surgery. Data analysis performed included pre- and post-operative uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) and spherical equivalent (SE) in eyes with sufficient data for analysis at 6 months.
Results :
5 eyes had undergone cataract surgery previously) and 16 eyes had undergone corneal refractive surgery prior to cataract surgery. First cohort 80% (4/5) achieved ≥20/40 UDVA and 75% (12/16) in second cohort, while 60% (3) and 69% (11) had no change or improved in CDVA respectively. Spherical Equivalent improved from -1.70±3.13D to -0.35±0.74D in first cohort and -0.88±1.62 to -0.24±1.20D in second cohort. No eyes lost any lines of vision.
Conclusions :
Outcomes of TE-PRK with Schwind Amaris for both groups show efficacy and safety. 43% achieved ≥20/25 UDVA and 76% achieved ≥20/40. 66% had no change or improved CDVA. Further numbers are required but the technique may offer a solution for correction of residual refractive errors after cataract or laser refractive surgery with high predictability.
This abstract was presented at the 2019 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Vancouver, Canada, April 28 - May 2, 2019.