Purpose :
To associate the muscular skeletal disorders with eyestrain in a group of assistants medical users of video terminals of a medical unit of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS).
Methods :
A cross sectional study was conducted in 42 workers (5% men and 95% women) from a medical unit of the IMSS, located to the South of the city of Mexico. The age range of the population under study was 21 - 58 years old , average age of 35 years and standard deviation was ±9. 81 years old. Applied the single survey for the evaluation of the health of workers, and a battery of questions to know aspects involved in the visual and eye health of these workers. For the diagnosis of eyestrain is operated according to the following criteria: have at least two signs and one symptom visual or ocular including headache. In this work were considered disorders musculoskeletal to positions of the trunk or limbs that are carried out forced movements of rotation, flexion and torsion involving the following anatomical structures: neck, arm (shoulder, elbows, wrists, hands) back and waist and lower back. All the procedures performed is carried out according to the declaration of Helsinki. For information processing was used the statistical program JMP 11 version in Spanish.
Results :
29% [confidence interval (CI) 95% 15.28 - 42.72] of these workers present visual fatigue and 26% [95% CI 12.73 - 39.27] presented some disorders of skeletal muscle type. Found a statistically significant association between visual fatigue and neck pain (p = 0.0318, OR 7.3636 [95% CI 0.8561 - 63.33]) and visual fatigue with pain in lower back, waist, and hip (p = 0.0082, OR 9.454 [95% CI - 1.1873 - 75.28]).
Conclusions :
Our results suggest a statistically significant association between visual fatigue with neck pain and pain in lower back, waist and hip. We believe that these associations may be due to the use of video terminals to do their job for a long time.
This abstract was presented at the 2019 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Vancouver, Canada, April 28 - May 2, 2019.