Purpose :
To correlate the number of patients living in Mexico City with associated-HLA-B27 and idiopathic acute anterior uveitis (AAU) with trimestral presentation, autoimmune diseases and meteorological variations in the Ocular Inflammatory Diseases department at our hospital.
Methods :
A descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study was made. The clinical records of AAU patients between January 2015 and September 2018 were analyzed to identify their trimestral presentation, age, gender and autoimmune diseases. The average of trimestral temperature (C) and barometric pressure (hPa) data were consulted in the National Meteorological Service reports. The analysis was performed with descriptive and comparative statistics, Mann-Whitney U test to analyze the number of patients that presented each trimester. Fisher's exact test and contingency tables correlated with the number of patients, gender and HLA-B27 association. The correlation between the number of AAU patients, average temperature, barometric pressure and autoimmune diseases was studied with linear regression analysis.
Results :
484 clinical records were analyzed, 58% were women. In the 1st trimester of each year, we found 175 patients (39%) with a 1st AAU episode, 124 patients (26%) in the 2nd, 128 patients (26%) in the 3rd and 57 patients (9%) in the 4th trimester. We found a statistically significant difference comparing 1st and 2nd trimester (p=0.0143), 3rd and 4th (p=0.0286) and 1st and 4th (p=0.0256). Idiopathic AAU (n=400) was more frequent in women and associated-HLA-B27 UAA (n=84) in men with an annual 2.7 OR, and when analyzed in the first trimester the OR increases to 4.3. There was no statistically significant difference (p=>0.05) between the number of patients, autoimmune diseases, trimestral temperature and barometric pressure.
Conclusions :
In our patients, the first AAU episode was more likelihood to present in the first trimester of the year. Female patients are twice as likely to present idiopathic AAU and male patients associated-HLA-B27, this probability increases if they present in the first trimester of the year. The meteorological variations and autoimmune diseases do not appear to influence the AAU trimestral presentation.
This abstract was presented at the 2019 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Vancouver, Canada, April 28 - May 2, 2019.