Purpose :
To investigate the impact of retinal toxicity of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) on fundus autofluorescence (FAF) lifetimes.
Methods :
24 eyes of 12 subjects with definite HCQ toxicity, 27 eyes of 14 clinically normal patients at high risk to develop HCQ toxicity (on HCQ longer than 5 years), and 16 eyes of 8 clinically normal patients at low risk to develop HCQ toxicity (on HCQ shorter than 5 years), as well as 32 age-matched healthy subjects, were investigated. Fluorescence lifetime images of a 30° retinal field centered at the fovea were collected at the Moran Eye Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. A prototype Heidelberg Engineering Spectralis-based FLIO was used to detect FAF lifetimes in short (498-560 nm, SSC) and long (560-720 nm, LSC) spectral channels. The mean fluorescence lifetimes (tm) were calculated. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans and macular pigment measures were also recorded. Additionally, autofluorescence lifetimes of known dilutions of HCQ were measured in a cuvette.
Results :
:All patients (6 out of 6) with HCQ toxicity by OCT and an autofluorescence lesion show significantly prolonged FAF lifetimes in the area of a lesion (SSC: lesion 400 ps, healthy retina: 294 ps, p<0.001; LSC: lesion 404 ps, healthy retina: 316 ps, p<0.001). Distinct bull’s eye distribution patterns corresponded to toxic lesions in the retina. Patients with early toxicity by OCT but no autofluorescence lesion (6 out of 6, 100%) as well as some clinically normal patients at high risk (8 out of 15, 53%) and low risk (1 out of 8, 12.5%) showed prolonged FAF lifetimes in the parafoveal region (SSC: 311 ps, LSC: 333 ps). Patients without these changes showed significantly shorter lifetimes in the parafoveal area (SSC: 254 ps, LSC: 294 ps, p<0.05). Hydroxychloroquine at concentration of 46 mM was clearly detectable, showing long autofluorescence lifetimes of around 1100 ps in either spectral channel.
Conclusions :
FLIO appears to detect retinal toxicity due to HCQ at very early stages, potentially presenting a novel method to detect retinal toxicity before irreversible damage is manifest.
This abstract was presented at the 2019 ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Vancouver, Canada, April 28 - May 2, 2019.