Expression of creatine kinase isoenzymes in rat retinal tissue. (A–L) Representative images of cytosolic creatine kinase isoenzymes in rat retina, optic nerve, extraocular muscle, and brain, as determined by immunohistochemistry. CK-B was widely distributed throughout the different cell types of the retina (A). Serial dilution of the antibody, revealed that this isoenzyme was most abundant within Müller cells and astrocytes of the retina (B), and astrocytes of the optic nerve (C) and brain (D). CK-B co-localized with the Müller cell/astrocyte S100 in the retina (E, F, arrows). In contrast, CK-B did not obviously colocalize with the synaptic marker synaptophysin in either plexiform layer (G, H). CK-M was highly expressed in extraocular muscle (I, J), but not within the neural retina. CK-M did, however, localize to the RPE (K, L). Black scale bar, (I) = 250 μm; (A, B) = 50 μm; (C, D, J, K, L) = 25 μm. White scale bar, (E–H) = 20 μm. (M–X) Representative images of ubiquitous mitochondrial creatine kinase immunolabeling in rat retina, optic nerve, and heart. In the optic nerve, CK-MT1A was expressed in prelaminar axons (M). In the retina, CK-MT1A labeling was intense in photoreceptor segments, in both plexiform layers, and in perikarya in the ganglion cell layer (N, O). CK-MT1A labelled cardiac muscle (P). Double-labeling immunofluorescence revealed colocalization of CK-MT1A with the RGC marker Brn3a (Q), but not with the Müller cell marker glutamine synthetase (R). In addition, CK-MT1A colocalized with the pan-bipolar cell marker Chx10 (S), but not obviously with the specific rod bipolar cell marker PKCα (T). CK-MT1B displayed a similar distribution to CK-MT1A in the retina, except that labeling was less abundant (U–X). Black scale bar, (M, U) = 100 μm; (N, V) = 50 μm; (O, P, W, X) = 25 μm. White scale bar, (Q–T) = 20 μm. (Y) CK isoform expression, as analyzed by Western immunoblot, in retinal extracts, and extracts of heart, brain, and skeletal muscle. Molecular weight markers were used to determine the size of detected gel products. For all proteins analyzed, a major band of the expected molecular weight is apparent in the relevant positive control tissues (see below), confirming the specificity of each antibody for its intended target in the rat. Histone H3 (15 kD), loading control; CK-MT1A (40 kD), heart, brain; CK-MT1B (40 kD), heart, brain; CK-B (45 kD), brain; CK-M (40 kD), skeletal muscle. In retinal extracts, a band of the expected molecular weight is observed for CK-MT1A and CK-B, a fainter band is apparent for CK-MT1B, while CK-M was undetectable. EOM, extraocular muscle; GCL, ganglion cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer.