We have previously proposed that immune privilege was primarily designed to preserve vision by extinguishing inflammation within the eye.
25 However, immune privilege may have an equally important role in preserving circadian rhythm. An ever-growing body of evidence indicates that circadian rhythm affects almost every aspect of human biology and even influences our microbiome.
28–31 Disruptions of circadian rhythms have been linked to numerous maladies including inflammation, obesity, depression, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder. It is well recognized that the eye plays a key role in maintaining circadian rhythm, which is coordinated by a master clock located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) within the hypothalamus.
32 The eyes are the only known light input pathway to the SCN and for photoentrainment.
32 Although the image-forming rods and cones affect photoentrainment, they are not required for maintaining normal circadian rhythms. That is, mice that are homozygous for the retinal degeneration gene (rd/rd) lack a functional repertoire of rods and cones and are completely blind, yet have normal circadian responses to light.
33 The preservation of photoentrainment in rd/rd mice is due to a subpopulation of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) that are not affected by the rd/rd mutation and express melanopsin, a non–image-forming photopigment that supports normal circadian rhythm.
34–36 However, enucleating the eyes of rd/rd mice removes the RGCs and abolishes circadian responses.
33 Thus, preserving the integrity of retinal rods, cones, and RGCs is crucial not only for vision but also for preserving circadian rhythm.
It is noteworthy that ACAID protects the eye from experimental ocular inflammatory diseases. For example, AC injection of retinal S antigen induces ACAID, mitigates inflammation of the retina (i.e., experimental autoimmune uveitis), and preserves the retinas in mice.
37 Investigations by Ferguson and coworkers found that exposure to light was required for the induction of ACAID.
38,39 Mice maintained in the dark and ostensibly denied normal photoentrainment resisted the induction of ACAID. Could it be that the requirement of light for the induction of ACAID is an adaptation for protecting retinal elements from immune-mediated injury and is an essential element for preserving circadian rhythm (which also requires light exposure)?