With an understanding of pathogenesis, the second essential element for disease elimination is the development of an intervention strategy that is effective at the individual and at the population level. Trachoma is again a good example of the importance of assessment of the effect of the interventions at both levels. For many years, the mainstay of trachoma control programs was topical tetracycline ointment because the cure rate in infected persons was good, up to 98%, and the ointment was inexpensive. In the early 1990s, a new antibiotic, azithromycin, appeared that was highly active against Chlamydia and had a long intracellular half-life. One dose of azithromycin, 20 mg/kg, had a similar cure rate, 98%, as topical tetracycline used twice daily for 4 to 6 weeks against C. trachomatis. However, trachoma control programs provided antibiotics to entire communities, a strategy known as mass drug administration or MDA. A head-to-head comparison of the safety and efficacy of these two drugs when provided to entire communities was essential.
The first community randomized trial, with provision of either topical tetracycline or oral azithromycin to every resident in their respective communities, was conducted in Tanzania, Egypt, and The Gambia.
7 One year following MDA, the community rates of infection were much lower in both arms in all three countries with no adverse events reported. This first community-based trial showed similar effectiveness when both drugs were provided in the framework of MDA, and both drugs proved equally safe.
Nonetheless, at a program level there was a clear preference for use of oral azithromycin because of the ease of implementation of MDA, a single dose, and of monitoring compliance by observing the dose ingestion. Equally important was the preference at the population level for azithromycin because the ointment is messy to apply, stings, and blurs vision on application.
8 In addition, azithromycin has ancillary benefits as well, with activity against organisms that cause diarrheal disease and upper respiratory infection,
9,10 not to mention sexually transmitted
Chlamydia, which made the provision of azithromycin quite popular in communities and helped ensure high compliance rates. Once the manufacturer committed to the free donation of azithromycin to trachoma programs, the provision of MDA became a significant component of the strategy to achieve elimination.
Although azithromycin is effective at the individual and population level, it turned out not to be a “magic bullet” for rapid elimination of trachoma as was originally hoped. For hyperendemic districts, a couple of annual MDAs was not going to be sufficient to reduce the prevalence of trachoma to <5%.
11 Using data from several districts in the trachoma program in Tanzania, an epidemiologic model suggested it may take up to 10 years of annual dosing for hyperendemic communities to achieve this goal.
The slow decline in trachoma in districts providing annual MDA was a conundrum, with several possible explanations put forward. Research showed the problem was not due to the development of resistance to azithromycin by ocular
C. trachomatis.
13 There were suggestions that MDA provided annually may be insufficiently frequent to achieve accelerated decline. However, in a community randomized trial, increasing the frequency of MDA from annual to twice yearly did not result in a difference in infection rates in children after 3 years.
14 A critical concern was that the WHO had set a target of compliance with MDA at a level too low, 80% coverage. Since research had shown that noncompliance was not at random,
15 there was concern that infected persons were not being covered and could lead to reemergence following MDA. A crucial, community randomized trial in two countries, Tanzania and Niger, demonstrated that increasing the compliance to 90% or greater did not accelerate the reduction in prevalence of infection or trachoma in children.
The relatively slow decline in prevalence of trachoma was not the only concern for trachoma hyperendemic districts, but also the added uncertainty of what would happen once antibiotic pressure was removed. A study in 16 communities in Ethiopia that stopped MDA after infection was reduced to 2.6% observed a return of infection to 25% after 18 months.
18 Clearly, additional interventions were needed if programs were going to achieve a sustainable reduction of trachoma.
The identification of environmental factors associated with trachoma was critical to helping determine other possible strategies to add to the public health intervention. In one of the earliest studies, of almost 4000 Tanzanian children, two of the strongest factors associated with trachoma were households with low access to water and children with unclean faces.
19 Specifically, children whose faces had ocular and nasal secretions present were almost 2-fold likely to have trachoma. A subsequent randomized clinical trial tested the hypothesis that improving facial cleanliness with an intensive public health program would lead to a reduction in trachoma.
20 The intervention consisted of a series of community meetings and demonstrations over 6 weeks to improve face-washing practices. All villages were subsequently visited periodically to assess the prevalence of clean faces in the children. One year after the intervention, children were assessed for the presence of trachoma, and children in the intervention village had a lower risk of severe trachoma. A clean face at two or more follow-up visits was protective against trachoma (odds ratio = 0.58) and severe trachoma (odds ratio = 0.35).
These and other findings led to the inclusion of the “F” component in what is now the multifaceted intervention strategy adopted by trachoma elimination programs. With the acronym of “SAFE,” the strategy includes Surgery (S) to repair trichiasis, and a combination of Antibiotic mass distributions (A), improved Facial hygiene (F) and Environmental changes (E) to decrease transmission.