The discovery of extraocular muscle (EOM) pulleys resolved long-standing issues in oculomotor physiology, revived interest in EOM function generally, and led to several new theories. We describe the pulley concept of Miller and Demer (M-D Pulleys) and briefly review evidence, distinguishing this well-supported notion from the Active Pulley Hypothesis (APH) and the EOM Compartments hypothesis, and critically reviewing the methodologies and evidence on which the latter are based.
We analyze evidence on mechanical independence of individual EOM fibers, implications of nerve tracing for functional independence of EOM layers and compartments, validity of image-based methods of assessing EOM contraction, and data analysis issues.
M-D Pulleys are well-supported by several lines of evidence from several labs. The APH, which predicts relative movements of EOM lamina sufficient to alter muscle actions, has been effectively disproved. The width-wise articulations of EOM Compartments, in contrast, might produce significant contractile oculorotary force gradients across muscle tendons, although existing evidence is unconvincing. We suggest how this hypothesis could be effectively tested.
Orbital connective tissues perform a complex function once thought to require the brain: extraocular muscle (EOM) pulleys, condensations of connective tissue elastically stabilized to the orbital wall, solve the problem of controlling 3-dimensional (3D) eye rotation according to Listings Law.
1–4 This discovery was unexpected in a field that supposed extraocular anatomy and muscle actions to be basically understood, stimulated research in anatomy, physiology, mathematical analysis and modeling, and prepared ground for further theorizing.
We review the pulley concept of Miller and Demer,
1,5,6 and distinguish it from related proposals that followed. The Active Pulley Hypothesis (APH) and the notion of independently controlled EOM Compartments are then discussed, and their evidence is reviewed.
The APH is the claim that orbital and global EOM layers independently control longitudinal pulley position and globe rotation, respectively. The EOM Compartments hypothesis proposes that the two half-width parts of most muscles are independently controlled, thereby endowing, for example, horizontal recti with vertical and torsional actions. Together, these ideas distinguish actions, not of six EOMs, but of some 17 independent extraocular “mini-muscles” (11 GL compartments and six OLs). Such complication of the oculomotor plant must be justified with clear evidence that the proposed mini-muscles have independent neural control and sufficient mechanical independence to function differentially.
Studies from the Demer lab typically use multiple eye movement types, eye positions, mini-muscle segmentations and measures of contraction to generate many potential comparisons. These are evaluated with t-tests and correlations to find those yielding the largest differences, which then are reported as either confirming and extending previous claims or as suggesting new and unexpected EOM capabilities. However, simple pairwise contrasts give correct error rates only for single hypotheses stated before analysis. Multiple a-posteriori tests on complex data sets—referred to as “data dredging” or “p-hacking”—are problematic, because as the number of comparisons increases, so does the probability of finding a “significant difference” by chance where none exists. There are many ways the multiple comparison problem might have been dealt with.
Clark and Demer,
52 for example, collected data in central and six eccentric gaze positions. Some comparisons pooled all infraductions, others all supraductions, and still others changes from maximum infraduction to maximum supraduction. A small 4% compartmental PPV difference pooled across infraductions is reported for LR, although there was no difference across supraductions or across maximal gaze changes (which included infraductions), and nevertheless, was taken as support for EOM Compartments and the broad conclusion that all EOMs have complex actions.
Clark and Demer
52,56 wished to show differential compartmental contraction during ocular counterrolling and vertical duction. Although nerve tracing
45,46,61 predicts particular compartment boundaries, they created multiple segmentations—12 in the case of the SO—with the expressed aim of finding the “most likely intercompartmental border,” but actually finding segmentations yielding the largest differences, regardless of whether they corresponded to nerve tracing predictions.
52 These differences were then tested with paired comparisons.