Acceleration plays a great impact on the vestibular system, but is attributed little influence over vision. This study aims to explore how visual and vestibular acceleration affect roll-plane oculomotor responses, including their addiative effect.
Seated in a mechanical sled, 13 healthy volunteers (7 men, 6 women; mean age 25 years) were exposed to a series of visual (VIS) optokinetic, vestibular (VES) whole-body, and combined (VIS + VES) rotations. This was carried out at two acceleration intensities. Subjects wore a video-based eye tracker, enabling analysis of torsional and skewing eye movement responses, which were used to evaluate the individual response to each trial. The tracker also contained accelerometers allowing head tracking.
Both ocular torsion and vertical skewing were sensitive to acceleration intensities for VES and VIS + VES. For VIS only, skewing exhibited such a response. An increased acceleration yielded a decreased torsion-skewing ratio for VIS, explained by the change in skewing, but remained unchanged for VES and VIS + VES. Torsion exhibited particularly reliable summative effect, yielding a relative contribution of 32% VIS and 75% VES during low acceleration, and 19% and 85%, respectively, during high acceleration.
The change in the skewing response to different intensities indicates that the visual system is more sensitive to visual accelerations than previously described. Eye movements showed reliable summative effects, indicating a robust visual-vestibular integration that indicates their integrative priorities for each acceleration, with the visual system being more involved during low accelerations. Such objective quantifications could hold clinical utility when assessing sensory mismatch in vertiginous patients.
Dizziness and vertigo are generally attributed to the mismatch theory; the vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive sensory inputs produce conflicting information about head movements to the brain leading to incongruent motion perception and balance discomfort.
1 Most clinical evaluations of dizzy patients tend to investigate these systems separately, with a focus on vestibular integrity.
Although vertigo is a subjective sensation due to mismatched perceptions of the world, there are methods aiming to objectively quantify the symptoms. Currently, eye movement analyses make up the foundation of objectively evaluating balance complaints, assessing reflexive arcs unrelated to subjective perceptions. This is primarily done through stimulating the vestibular system and measuring the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), but also by looking for signs of pathological nystagmus or skew deviation.
2 One aspect of the VOR, when induced by a head tilt, is the rotation of the eyes in the contralateral direction in what is called ocular counter-rolling (OCR), induced by an activation of the semicircular canals and maintained through otolithic signaling during a static head tilt with the purpose of reducing the rotation of a visual scene on the retina as the head moves.
Rotation of the visual field will also produce a torsion response of the eyes.
5 This visually induced ocular torsion is much smaller than the OCR, yielding a positional gain of only 1% to 4% relative to the visual rotation.
6–8 This torsion can, however, be modified by the amount of visual clues present in the visual scene, with additional visual information resulting in a larger response.
6,9 The amount of torsion exhibited to a rotating visual scene has also been positively correlated to poorer postural control and increased sympathetic signaling.
10 Such a relationship may not be unexpected, as the connectivity of visual and vestibular input is well developed, with the systems sharing cortical areas for posture and self-motion.
In addition to the torsional response during a head tilt, the ipsilateral eye will move upward and the contralateral eye downward in the form of a vertical divergence (i.e. vertical skewing),
13,14 the purpose of which is to avoid diplopia and increase the fusional range. This response is not to be confused with the pathological
skew deviation, as this example of vertical skewing is a physiologic response to head tilt.
15 In contrast to the semicircularly induced OCR, vertical skewing is thought to primarily be a utricular motor-reflex.
We have recently shown that rotational visual stimulation alone will result in the same type of vertical divergence, indicating a distinct ocular balance response in the combined eye movement response of ocular torsion and vertical skewing, which is common for both visual and vestibular systems.
9 From a visual perspective, there is no apparent reason for inducing a vertical divergence response, given that the head and visual target has remained stationary. Consequently, the most plausible explanation could be that there exists a visual drive of this primarily vestibular reflex.
Animal studies have shown how rotational optic flow activate dedicated neurons in the vertebrate vestibulocerebellum, highlighting the intertwined relationship between vestibular and visual motion that would allow such a response.
Further investigation of this relationship could hold clinical utility in assessing patients suffering from non-vestibular vertigo, particularly visual motion hypersensitive, as these patients show increased visual dependency.
The primary aim of this study was to explore the effect of stimulus acceleration on the visual and vestibular systems on the reflexive eye movement responses of ocular torsion and vertical skewing. The secondary aim was to investigate to what extent the visual and vestibular systems contribute to a conjoint visuovestibular trial, eluciading the relative importance of each system. This was made possible through performing combinations of visual, vestibular, and visuovestibular trials, and comparing the velocities for each eye movement response so that a relative percentage could be attributed to both the visual and vestibular systems.
Thirteen healthy volunteers (7 men and 6 women; mean age 25 years [23–34]) participated in the study. None had any disorder or drug use that would affect the central nervous system. All participants had normal or corrected visual acuity (VA; ≥1.0 using logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution [logMAR chart]), stereoscopic vision of at least 200” of arc (Lang II stereotest), and normal eye motility. Latent strabismus was precluded with the cover test. No participant had any history of vertigo. Normal vestibular function was assessed through a horizontal head impulse test revealing no refixation saccade, and balance through the Romberg's test. This was regarded as an initial screening, as any undetected vestibular pathologies were expected to be identifiable during the baseline recordings in darkness, as the eye tracking software would reliably detect any nystagmus.
All participants signed informed written consent prior to their enrollment after explanation of the nature of the study, and having received written and oral information on the procedure. The research complied with the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Regional Ethics Committee of Stockholm (EPN 2018-1768-31-1).
In order to obtain values of horizontal and vertical pupil positions and torsional displacement of iris position, the recorded sequences were processed with the analysis software attached to the eye-tracking system (Chronos Vision GmbH, Berlin). From these values the vertical skewing response was calculated by subtracting the left vertical eye position with the right vertical eye position, whereas the torsional was taken from the eye exhibiting the best signal-to-noise ratio.
The average velocity of vertical skewing response, the average velocity of torsional response, and the ratio between these two outcomes were derived from these calculations having been plotted in the Origin software (OriginPro 2017; OriginLab, Northampton, MA). The velocity was calculated by retrieving the change in degrees between the beginning and end of the slow phase at one second into the stimulation, and dividing it with the change in time for the same period. As such, the eye movement slow-phase velocities could be put into the context of faster or slower relative to each other for each trial. The ratio was computed by dividing the torsional velocity over the skewing velocity. Additionally, the stimulus-gain of each eye movement was analyzed in order to further elucidate the nature of each response. The amount of false torsion for visual and vestibular trials has previously been shown to be insignificant for this methodology.
To further investigate the inter-relationship between vestibular and visual response during visual-vestibular stimulation, calculations were made to determine their respective contributions. These calculations were based on the outcome of torsional velocity due to its stable and additive properties.
9 The results from the isolated visual and vestibular trials were divided by the result from the visual-vestibular trial, yielding a percentage of each modality's contribution to the motor response of the joint stimulation.
All statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 25 for Windows, and the significance level (α) was set to 0.05. A One-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) for repeated measures was used to illustrate the impact of intensity (low/high) on the dependent variable eye movement (torsion or vertical vergence) and the torsion-skewing ratio for each modality (VES, VIS, and VES + VIS). The analysis had to be done separately for each modality because visual stimulation gave much smaller eye movement responses, leading to unequal variances in comparison to the vestibular and visual-vestibular stimulation. All comparisons are presented with Bonferroni corrected P values. A paired sample t-test was used to determine any significant differences between the two intensity levels with regard to modality and with the Bonferroni corrected alpha-value presented for a number of comparisons. The test of normality was obtained using Shapiro–Wilk's test.
VIS + VES, produced a higher velocity than simply VES (F [1, 12] = 20.99; P = 0.001). The MANOVA revealed significantly higher eye movement velocities to high intensity stimulation (F [2, 11] = 54.19; P < 0.001; partial η2 = 0.908). The univariate test revealed significant effects for both torsion (F [1, 12] = 88.56; P < 0.0001; partial η2 = 0.881) and vertical vergence (F [1, 12] = 26.55; P < 0.0001; partial η2 = 0.715). Torsional gain were 0.67 (0.19) for low stimulus intensity and 0.68 (0.17) for high, but expressing no effect of stimulus intensity (t [12] = 0.31; P = 0.76), and for vertical vergence gain 0.40 (0.13) and 0.45 (0.18) (t [12] = 0.70; P = 0.496) for low and high intensities, respectively.
The purpose of this study was to explore to what extent eye movement responses of ocular torsion and vertical skewing are affected by visual and vestibular roll accelerations, and how the two sensory systems integrate their responses. Results revealed that the torsion-skewing ratio was significantly affected by stimulus acceleration, which also altered the relative contribution of visual and vestibular sensory information to the torsional response. The clear summative effect of visual and vestibular eye movement responses onto that of the visual-vestibular strengthens the notion that visual and vestibular information goes through a robust integration seen for both ocular torsion and skewing. Still, there are some limitations to this study that are revealed in the light of these results. The recording frequency of the eye-tracker was set to 100 Hz. The Chronos system allows for reliable recordings of up to 200 Hz. However, during the present study, we saw recurring data loss when processing the video files, leading to several retakes. It was revealed that the computer linked to the eye tracker was suffering from performance issues, and a decision was made to pursue the experiments at 100 hz, which has proven sufficient in previous publications.
10,20 This naturally limits the utility of the collected data, as any fast-acting eye movement is prone to a high signal dispersion. As can be seen in
Figure 4, this still allowed for precise measuring of eye movement responses, particularly as this study does not deal with quick-phase analysis.
Additionally, there was a discrepancy among visual accelerations and the other modalities, which implement a multiple of the former. This was done in previous studies to technical limitations. As vision had been described as insensitive to accelerations, it was decided to set all stimuli to a fixed amplitude, which reliably produced stable and summative torsional eye movement responses. As this study found skewing to be sensitive to visual accelerations, this setup obviously produces a limitation to assessing the combined visuovestibular effect; this study does not allow for assessing the additative effects of visual and vestibular stimuli on the skewing response. This was further illustrated when performing the reverse analysis (i.e. when comparing low intensity VIS to high intensity VES and VIS + VES for both torsion and skewing), as this kept the acceleration constant between VIS and VES but instead meant that the amplitudes were different. In this scenario, torsion proved unreliable whereas skewing, having been shown to exhibit a certain sensitivity to accelerations, showed robust summative effects.
As a result, torsion was used for quantifying the relative contribution of VIS and VES onto VIS + VES, as only skewing was found sensitive to accelerations. This is, however, something that future studies need to take into consideration, and a proper format for matching amplitude and accelerations need to be implemented.
It has been demonstrated that an increased amount of visual clutter leads to an increased torsion-skewing ratio during visual and visual-vestibular trials.
9 The initial analysis saw this study revealed that an increased stimulus acceleration instead had a negative effect on the ratio, albeit only during the visual trials. With these two factors in mind, it seems reasonable to suggest that the torsion-skewing ratio reflects the motion characteristics in a viewed visual scene as it is dependent on both content and motion. However, after a Bonferroni correction, this was found to be nonsignificant, which limited this interpretation. Still, putting these results in context to previous findings in relation to a highly significant acceleration effect on skewing, which was absent for torsion, it may be that the corrections instead produced a type II error. Additionally, a torsion-skewing ratio sensitive to visual stimuli have been shown previously, albeit related to clutter levels rather than accelerations.
9 In keeping with recent suggestions on adjusting
P value significance levels,
25 we would call this finding suggestive rather than confirmatory, as it fits in well with the greater picture but falls short of reaching the adjusted alpha.
In the present study, a change in ratio between low and high intensity visual stimulations could be attributed to the relatively low skewing response during the low intensity. As shown in
Table, ocular torsion proved insensitive to changes in acceleration, and so the change in torsion-skewing ratio can be attributed to the increase of the skewing response. Considering that the torsion-skewing ratio is both reflective of the visual information density and its acceleration, it presents an interesting approach to possibly quantifying subjective complaints to visual elements.
The vestibular and visual-vestibular stimulations produced no difference in the torsion-skewing ratio between simulation intensities. The torsion-skewing ratio, therefore, seems to be more sensitive to changes in the visual field than movements of the head itself, and vestibular activation may even hide changes in the weaker visually induced eye movement responses. However, a more important aspect might be the disparities in optokinetic accelerations between VIS and VIS + VES, as the former adopted multiples of the latter, yielding a larger difference between accelerations within the VIS trials. It may well be that the ratio was only sensitive to the greater difference presented between VIS trials.
It is well described that visual information help calibrate the vestibular system, and vice versa during infancy.
26,27 Maladaptation of the vestibular system following brain trauma has been attributed as a possible cause of visually induced vertigo, and visual rehabilitation has yielded promising results for alleviating associated symptoms.
28,29 It would consequently seem that the visual-vestibular system retains plasticity in how it integrates multisensory information. Vertigo, as well as motion-sickness, stem from a mismatch of sensory input, highlighting that visual and vestibular information relay different aspects of postural signalling.
30,31 Considering the evidence for ocular torsion and skewing exhibiting different response patterns to visual acceleration and information density, it would be of great interest in investigating how the torsion-skewing ratio responds when multisensory integration is lacking. Visual information density has been shown to reflect the torsional component, whereas visual acceleration alters the skewing response. A testing kit involving visual stimulations of two density levels and two acceleration levels may, therefore, provide enough information so as to determine what components of the visual-vestibular integration is most affected, suggesting that vestibular integrity might be inferred from visually induced eye movement responses. As it stands, this hypothesis is based on trials in healthy subjects, so naturally future studies involving patients with vertigo of both visual and vestibular natures are in order to further develop the clinical feasibility of utilizing the torsion-skewing relationship.
Similarly to our previous study, the combined effects of the torsional response to visual and vestibular stimulations reliably summated to the visual-vestibular results, indicating a robust summative nature of the two senses in its motor output. The reliability of the eye movement parameters was exemplified further in the constant gain between the two accelerations. Changes in visual information density has been shown to not affect the relative contribution of neither vision nor vestibular signalling.
9 In comparison, this study shows that an increased acceleration leads to a greater vestibular impact over vision. Such a relationship could be expected as it is well-described that the vestibular system is more sensitive to accelerations than the visual. With regard to the robust nature of this type of approximation, ocular torsion can be considered a stable variable in assessing motion perception in the roll plane as an objective standard.
Furthermore, although the percentages here should not necessarily be taken as absolute truths on the relative importance of vestibular and visual signalling, they present an indication of how the two systems interact under different situations. The results also highlight how torsion remained insensitive to the differences in acceleration between VIS and VES, but was highly sensitive to the differences in amplitude when comparing low intensity VIS to high intensity VES. Reversely, skewing instead provided a robust summation effect when the accelerations were kept constant, in spite of the change in amplitude and, thus, further highlighting a sensitity to acceleration.
Although these values do not necessarily reflect how perceptually aware an individual is of a visual or vestibular stimulus, it is conceivable that patients suffering from different kinds of motion-perception disorders would exhibit deviating sensory contributions depending on the nature of the complaints; patients suffering from visual motion hypersensitive are known to be more visually dependent,
19 and could consequently present a greater visual contribution that could be objectively quantified. Simiarly, optic flow stimulation have been shown to persistently evoke balance problems in concussed patients.
32 As such, comparing the torsional response in this fashion could hold both clinical and scientific utility as an indication of how the visual-vestibular integration may be effected by different disorders or drugs.
Based on how an increased acceleration led to a higher skewing velocity, producing a decreased torsion-skewing ratio, this suggests that visual acceleration has a stronger effect on vertical skewing than on ocular torsion, and that the visual system is more sensitive to acceleration than previously described. Considering how the torsion-skewing ratio shifts in relation to changes in a rotating visual scene, it could be of clinical interest assessing how patients suffering from visually induced vertigo, expressing a sensitivity to visual motion, may deviate from a healthy control group in terms of objective eye movement parameters.
This study also shows how vision plays a decreasing role as the acceleration during whole-body rotations is increased, indicating a robust neural integration of visual and vestibular sensory information, which can be reliably quantified through the eye movement response.