In patients with early ocular misalignment and nystagmus, vertical optokinetic stimulation reportedly increases the horizontal component of the nystagmus present during fixation, resulting in diagonal eye movements. We tested patients with infantile nystagmus syndrome but normal ocular alignment to determine if this crosstalk depends on strabismus.
Eye movements were recorded in seven patients with infantile nystagmus. All but one patient had normal ocular alignment with high-grade stereopsis. Nystagmus during interleaved trials of right, left, up, and down optokinetic stimulation was compared with waveforms recorded during fixation. Six patients with strabismus but no nystagmus were also tested.
In infantile nystagmus syndrome, horizontal motion evoked a mostly jerk nystagmus with virtually no vertical component. A vertical optokinetic pattern produced nystagmus with a diagonal trajectory. It was not simply a combination of a vertical component from optokinetic stimulation and a horizontal component from the subject's congenital nystagmus, rather in six of seven patients, the slow-phase velocity of the horizontal component during vertical optokinetic stimulation differed from that recorded during fixation. In the six strabismus patients without nystagmus, responses to vertical optokinetic stimulation were normal.
In patients with congenital motor nystagmus, a vertical noise pattern drives a diagonal nystagmus. This appears to arise because of crosstalk between the vertical and horizontal components of the optokinetic system. This abnormal response to vertical stimulation is not caused by strabismus because it occurs in patients with infantile nystagmus without strabismus. Moreover, it is absent in patients with strabismus and no spontaneous nystagmus.
Patients with infantile strabismus often exhibit a puzzling asymmetry in their oculomotor response to monocular presentation of a horizontal optokinetic stimulus. The pursuit phase of nystagmus matches better with the velocity of a stimulus that is moving in a nasal direction compared with a temporal direction.
1–6 This abnormality has been identified as a characteristic feature of the fusional maldevelopment nystagmus syndrome.
7 Another cardinal feature is latent nystagmus, with the fast phase directed toward the viewing eye, evoked by occlusion of the fellow eye.
8,9 Even with both eyes open it is possible to record spontaneous nystagmus in most patients, termed “manifest latent nystagmus.”
Garbutt et al.
12 have discovered another property of the fusional maldevelopment nystagmus syndrome by testing patients with an optokinetic stimulus moving in a vertical direction. There is “crosstalk” between the vertical nystagmus driven by the stimulus and the subjects’ intrinsic horizontal manifest latent nystagmus. The result is nystagmus with diagonal slow phases. The diagonal nystagmus is not merely the vectorial sum of the vertical and the horizontal slow-phase components, rather the velocity of the horizontal component is increased by exposure to the vertical optokinetic stimulus.
Recently we tested a subject with congenital motor nystagmus, a condition now classified as a form of idiopathic infantile nystagmus.
13 He demonstrated robust diagonal nystagmus when presented with a vertical optokinetic stimulus. Just as described by Garbutt et al.
12 in patients with fusional maldevelopment nystagmus syndrome, there was crosstalk between the subject's intrinsic horizontal nystagmus and the vertical nystagmus generated by the stimulus. This finding led us to examine a larger cohort of patients with congenital motor nystagmus. We selected patients with normal binocular alignment to determine whether the occurrence of such crosstalk depends on the presence of strabismus. We also tested a cohort of patients with strabismus, but no nystagmus, for evidence of crosstalk.
The first patient in this study, with congenital motor nystagmus and strabismus, was encountered during a routine neuro-ophthalmology clinic visit. His findings prompted further inquiry, focusing on patients with congenital motor nystagmus without strabismus. To locate such patients, the electronic patient records of a single neuro-ophthalmologist (J.C.H.) from 2008–2018 were searched using the keyword “motor nystagmus.” This yielded 20 potential subjects. Eight out of 20 had been recorded as able to identify the butterfly image hidden in a Randot test (Stereo Optical Company, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), suggesting orthotropic ocular alignment. The families of these eight patients were contacted and six agreed to bring their child back to the clinic for further testing.
Each patient underwent an ophthalmologic examination that included assessment of the best-corrected visual acuity in each eye, pupils, eye movements, ocular alignment, and stereopsis. The latter was tested by confirming the ability to identify a hidden Randot butterfly (Stereo Optical Company, Inc.), signifying at least 2000 seconds of arc of stereopsis. The finest level of depth discrimination was determined by presenting a series of nine circle tests, ranging from 800 to 40 seconds of arc. Slit lamp and fundus examination were also performed.
All seven patients were in excellent health and took no medications on a regular basis. Most had a history of horizontal nystagmus starting soon after birth, although it was noticed at a later age in two patients.
14 Ocular disease was otherwise absent. Specifically, no patient had iris transillumination defects or foveal hypoplasia to indicate albinism. None had a media opacity, optic nerve hypoplasia, history of prematurity, or neurologic disease. Dilated fundus examination showed no evidence of a tapetoretinal degeneration. No patient had previously undergone ocular or eye muscle surgery. Several patients had received negative magnetic resonance imaging and full-field electroretinography. The cohort fit the profile of “infantile nystagmus syndrome,” as defined by the Committee for the Classification of Eye Movement Abnormalities and Strabismus.
13 Before the advent of this classification scheme, the patients would have been assigned the diagnosis of “congenital motor nystagmus.” They showed typical properties such as absence of oscillopsia, damping of nystagmus with a null head position, accelerating velocity of slow phases, and a predominately jerk waveform with occasional pendular oscillations.
15,16 They did not exhibit features associated with fusional maldevelopment nystagmus syndrome, such as an increase in nystagmus velocity or change of direction induced by monocular occlusion. During monocular testing of smooth pursuit, gain for nasal tracking was not higher than for temporal tracking.
In addition, six patients with onset of strabismus between ages 1 and 4 years were tested. None had nystagmus. The goal was to determine whether strabismus alone results in diagonal eye movements in response to vertical optokinetic stimulation. These six patients had normal visual acuity in each eye and no history of eye muscle surgery. Three had a decompensated exotropia, and three had accommodative esotropia. None were able to fuse. They did not exhibit nasal versus temporal asymmetry in horizontal gain to a monocular stimulus.
Subjects were seated in a dim room, with their head in a conventional chin/forehead rest. Stimuli were rear-projected onto a tangent screen 57 cm from the subjects using a Hewlett-Packard (Palo Alto, CA) xb31 digital light projector. The position of each eye was monitored independently with an infrared video camera (iViewX; SensoMotoric Instruments, Teltow, Germany). The cameras were mounted overhead, and a hot mirror was oriented at 45° to image the eyes without obstruction of the subject's view. Eye position was sampled at 120 Hz for offline analysis.
Each eye tracker was calibrated by setting the offset and gain independently while the subject fixated on a grid of nine static points 20° apart. The other eye was occluded by a shutter controlled by a pneumatic piston. The shutter was an infrared filter that blocked visible light but passed infrared wavelengths, so that eye position could be recorded without interruption. For each eye, the calibration was checked by having the subject monocularly track a spot 0.5° in diameter that moved sinusoidally, first in the horizontal (± 30°) and then in the vertical plane (± 20°). Adjustments were made in offset and/or gain as needed to insure accurate calibration. Eye movement recordings were carried out with no refractive correction.
All optokinetic data reported in this study were acquired with both eyes viewing. A fixation spot 0.5° in diameter was presented at the center of the screen. After fixation by the subject, it was displayed for 2 seconds. The spot was then extinguished. Simultaneously an optokinetic stimulus appeared. It consisted of a noise pattern of 80% contrast random black and white 2° x 2° squares moving at 40°/s. After 10 seconds, the stimulus was replaced by an isoluminant blank screen. The blank screen was displayed for 8 seconds. The fixation spot then reappeared, signaling the advent of the next stimulus trial. The direction of the optokinetic stimulus (up, down, left, right) was interleaved randomly. Subjects generally kept their gaze near the center of the screen during optokinetic stimulation, but occasionally needed a reminder to look at the center. The stimulus subtended ± 52° horizontally and ± 39°. A minimum of four trials was conducted for each condition.
Each trial lasted 12 seconds, consisting of 2 seconds of fixation and 10 seconds of optokinetic stimulation. The data were comprised of horizontal and vertical position traces for the right eye and left eye. Blinks were excised. The data were then digitally filtered (infinite impulse response, 10 Hz) and saccades were removed manually, leaving a series of individual slow-phase events. A linear fit of each slow-phase event provided a measurement of the mean velocity. If the waveform had a pendular shape, the slow-phase event was divided at points of direction reversal, and each fragment was fit separately. Because the traces for both eyes were nearly identical, right eye and left eye mean velocities were averaged to obtain final horizontal and vertical mean velocities for each slow-phase event.
Median values, quartiles, and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. Significance was assessed using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test.
We tested six patients with strabismus, but no nystagmus, for evidence of crosstalk. The goal was to determine if strabismus by itself causes diagonal nystagmus in response to vertical optokinetic stimulation. Half had accommodative esotropia, the other half had a completely decompensated exotropia. The median vertical slow-phase velocity was 24.0°/s (gain, 0.60), similar to the value (24.9°/s) in the six subjects with congenital nystagmus without strabismus.
There was no significant difference in the gain of slow-phase velocity for upward compared with downward optokinetic stimulation. This was true even when data from all patients were combined (n = 13). The upward gain was 0.63 ± 0.21, versus a downward gain of 0.52 ± 0.22 (P = 0.08).
The main result in the six patients with strabismus, but no nystagmus, was that vertical optokinetic stimulation evoked a nearly purely vertical nystagmus (
Fig. 7). Their slow-phase vectors (
n = 12) had a median divergence from vertical of 0.9° (95% CI, 0.5°–2.1°). In comparison, the vectors (
n = 12) in the six patients with congenital nystagmus, but no strabismus, had a median absolute divergence from vertical of 25.8° (95% CI, 15.0°–41.1°).
Insight into the neural mechanisms underlying the eye movements induced by optokinetic stimulation is still too rudimentary to provide a well-grounded explanation for the phenomenon of crosstalk. Future inquiries should focus on the features in common among patients with nystagmus who show crosstalk. At this point, we can say with some confidence that it is a property of patients with fusional maldevelopment nystagmus syndrome and patients with idiopathic infantile nystagmus (congenital motor nystagmus). In these two groups, nystagmus properties are quite different, suggesting very different mechanisms. It seems likely that further testing will show that crosstalk is present in other forms of pathological nystagmus. It is not, however, dependent on the presence of ocular misalignment.
The authors thank Jessica Wong who provided computer programming assistance.
Supported by Grants EY029703 (JCH) and EY02162 (Beckman Vision Center) from the National Eye Institute and by Research to Prevent Blindness. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the article.
Disclosure: J.R. Economides, None; Y.-W. Suh, None; J.B. Simmons, None; D.L. Adams, None; J.C. Horton, None