Purpose :
In the recent years, soft contact lenses (SCLs) made of silicon hydrogel (SH) and SCLs with improved surfaces have been developed. We investigated the tear dynamics during SCL use using a non-contact measuring device.
Methods :
Thirty-six individuals who regularly used SCL and had no active ocular surface disorders other than short tear breakup time (TBUT)-type dry eye were enrolled in the study. Seventeen individuals used Dailies Total 1 (DT1, Alcon), which has SH in the central portion and a high water content structure on the front and rear surfaces. The control group consisted of 19 individuals who used the One Day Acuvue Total Eye (TE, J&J) contact lens made of SH. We measured non-invasive TBUT (NITBUT) using Keratograph 5M, breakup pattern using DR-1α, ocular surface tear film thickness, SCL thickness, and tear meniscus height (TMH) using anterior optical coherence tomography, and subjective symptoms using a questionnaire. At visit 1 (v1), measurements were performed for the bare eye and for the eye with SCL in place after 15 min. At visit 2 (v2), which was scheduled 30 ± 5 days after v1, measurements were performed after the SCL had been in place for a minimum of 5 h.
Results :
There were 11 men and 25 women, and the mean age was 35.5 ± 9.6 years. In the DT1 group, TMHs were 0.26 ± 0.07 mm for the bare eye and 0.19 ± 0.07 and 0.19 ± 0.06 mm for the eyes with SCL at v1 and v2, respectively. In the TE group, TMHs were 0.25 ± 0.05 mm for the bare eye and 0.24 ± 0.06 and 0.22 ± 0.07 mm for the eyes with SCL at v1 and v2, respectively. At v1 and v2, SCL thicknesses were 105 ± 11 and 101 ± 8 μm, respectively, in the DT1 group, and 95 ± 7 and 94 ± 8 μm, respectively, in the TE group.
Conclusions :
Changes in the SH surface moisture rate affect the tear dynamics during SCL use. Therefore, it is important to select an SCL that is appropriate for the user.
This is a 2020 ARVO Annual Meeting abstract.