Purpose :
It is difficult to determine if scleral lenses impact intraocular pressure (IOP), as traditional measurements cannot be made while the lens is worn. The purpose of this study was to measure IOP with pneumatonometry both centrally and peripherally in individuals with and without a scleral lens.
Methods :
20 normal participants with no history of scleral lens use were included with an average age of 29 ± 9 (SD) years, (n=5 males, n= 15 females). All right eyes were randomized to order of scleral lenses wear (15.2 mm OneFit by Blanchard Contact Lens Inc., Manchester, NH and 18.0 mm BostonSight lens, BostonSight, Needham , MA). The left eye for each subject served as a control with no lens. IOP measurements were made with a pneumatonometer (Model 30 Classic, Reichert, Inc., Buffalo, NY). IOP on the central cornea was measured before and after lens placement. IOP was measured on the temporal scleral before lens placement, immediately after lens placement, after one hour of lens wear, and immediately after removal. The control eye was measured after the study eye, in the same manner as the study eye. Results were compared using a paired t-test, with Bonferonni correction (P, 0.005).
Results :
There was no significant difference for central IOP for the study eye and control eye before lens wear (21.6 ± 3 mmHg vs 20.6 ± 2 mmHg, P=0.01), after 1 hour of lens wear for the first (21.1 ± 2, vs 20.6 ± 3 mmHg, P=0.1) or second (20.5 ± 5 vs 20.3 ± 2 mmHg, P=0.04) set of lenses. Similarly, peripheral IOP between the study eye and control eye revealed no significant difference before lens placement (27.0 ± 5 vs 27.5 ± 5 mmHg, P=0.6), immediately after first lens placement (26.0 ± 5 vs 25.6 ± 3 mmHg, P=0.7), with 1 hour of lens wear (28.7 ± 6 vs 26.5 ± 4, P=0.1), and after lens removal (27.1 ± 5 vs 26.5 ± 4mmHg, P=0.05); or after 2nd lens placement (27.1 ± 5 vs 25.6 ± 4 mmHg, p=0.2), with 1 hour of wear (27.1 ± 5 vs 25.6 ± 4 mmHg, P=0.2) and after 2nd lens removal (25.8 ± 4 vs 25.6 ± 4mmHg, P=0.3).
Conclusions :
Central IOP measured by pneumatonometry was not statistically different before or after one hour of scleral lens wear compared to the contralateral control eye. Peripheral IOP was also not statistically different before, immediately after lens placement, with one hour of lens wear, or after lens removal from the contralateral control eye.
This is a 2020 ARVO Annual Meeting abstract.