Purpose :
The study aims to assess the effect of non-mydriasis on optical coherence tomography (OCT) and OCT-angiography (OCTA) parameters and to analyze the correlation between these values and visual function in patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP).
Methods :
A total of 78 patients suffering from RP degeneration were included in this cross-sectional study. Patients with corneal opacities, nystagmus or dense cataract preventing high-quality imaging were excluded. Imaging was conducted with patients’ eyes in miosis. Entire macular cube scans as well as, whole-en-face scans of the superficial capillary plexus (SCP) and deep capillary plexus (DCP) in the central 3x3mm foveal region were generated using OCTA (Cirrus® SD-OCT 5000). Main outcome measures were central visual functions such as visual acuity (VA) and values in visual field test (24-2); central retinal thickness (CRT), macular volume (MV); flow density (FD); foveal avascular zone (FAZ); signal strength index (SSI) and motion artifact score (MAS). Patients were graded according to their severity and 30 healthy subjects were additionally used as controls.
Results :
A total of 79 eyes of 78 patients (48 males; 30 females) and 60 normal eyes of 30 controls were evaluated. Mean age in patients’ group was 51.59 ± 13.4; [range: 17-79]. 26 patients had mild-moderate RP and 52 severe RP. Mean BCVA (ETDRS) was 53.08 ± 23.09. The mean deviation (dB) was -26.51± 8.78 and MV was 8.272 ± 1.390. There was a correlation between the severity grading and each of the quantitative measures of disease severity;
BCVA (-0.54;p=<0.001)
MV (-0.70;p=0.048)
MD (-0.63;p=0.001)
The SCP and DCP values were significantly attenuated compared to the controls (p<0.05). Artifacts as well as, low image quality were significantly increased in severe RP patients (p<0.05). SSI (<6) and MAS were significantly higher in RP patients’ scans compared to controls.
Conclusions :
Although glare is an important factor affecting the quality of vision in RP patients, there is very little literature on the influence of pupil state on quantitative OCT metrics. This study suggests that we should generate OCT images under mydriasis at least in severe RP patients, as MAS and SSI were significantly higher. These findings could be of significance in clinical practice and scientific research.
This is a 2020 ARVO Annual Meeting abstract.