RhoGTPases are an important effector of the noncanonical Wnt planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway.
43 The PCP signaling plays a key mediator in orchestrating cell, tissue organization, and its function are mediated via changes in the actin cytoskeleton. Our data demonstrates that overexpression of RhoA caused by Wnt inhibition can be reversed by subsequent Wnt activation. This is consistent with previous studies that document RhoA inactivation through the activation of canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling in the murine cancer cells.
44,45 Activation of RhoGTPases are also associated with nucleation of F-actin which may adversely stiffen cells. Consistent with our previous study,
21 here, we demonstrated that Wnt inhibition results in significant cell stiffening, which is reversed with subsequent Wnt activation. In fact, cells were slightly yet significantly softer with Wnt activation than untreated or Wnt inhibited cells. Noncanonical Wnt activation has been demonstrated to induce CLAN formation, which is reversible with Ror2 knockdown.
46 Currently though, there is no causal link to establish that CLANs are profibrotic, compared with nonglaucomatous TM cells glaucomatous TM cells present with an increase in CLANs.
47–49 In addition, steroid and TGFβ2 treatment of TM cells induce CLAN formation
50–52; both steroid and TGFβ2 have been associated with elevations in IOP, increased actin contractility and Rho kinase activity. In addition, β1 and β3 integrins have been shown to enhance CLAN formation.
53 Induction of CLANs have been associated with reduced TM proliferation, migration, and phagocytosis
54–56; features that have been attributed as a profibrotic dysfunction of the TM. Although we specifically did not count the number of cells that form CLANs, here, we observed dramatic changes in F-actin organization, with Wnt inhibition, resembling CLAN-like geodesic structures that has been speculated to be associated with stiffer cells.
54 Whereas Mao et al. demonstrated that activation of canonical Wnt via Wnt3A had no influence on CLAN formation,
19 Webber et al.
57 demonstrated that Wnt3a, increased K-cadherin expression to reduce transcellular resistance and ocular hypertension. Our data show that Wnt activation via inhibition of pGSK3β was enough to resolve the complex CLAN-like reorganization. We thus speculate that the method used to activate canonical Wnt signaling may be important and may result in different downstream targets being differentially modulated. Further studies are required to validate this hypothesis, and to definitively tie CLANs with TM pathology and biomechanical changes. However, relaxation of the actin cytoskeleton is thought to decrease cellular contractility, and increase AH outflow,
58 thus supporting our result that Wnt activation may be beneficial to restoring TM cell function. Wnt inhibition also resulted in inhibition of CDC42 here, which can adversely impact proliferation, polarity, migration, and differentiation of cells disrupting homeostasis.
59 In addition, suppression of CDC42 is thought to disrupt formation of tunneling nanotubes (TNTs)
60 that are essential for intercellular communication in TM culture.
61 Again, activation of Wnt was able to rescue CDC42 suppression in TM cells.