Gross pathology of donor eyes was first assessed by FM (
Figs. 1A–
1G), BAF-SLO (
Figs. 1H–
1N), and IRAF-SLO images (
Figs. 1O–
1U). Anatomic landmarks, such as the optic disk (
Fig. 1, ON) and fovea (
Figs. 1A–
1G, arrow), are identifiable in the control example 92-year-old (
Fig. 1A) and in several of GA eyes by fundus microscopy (
Figs. 1B–
1G). The GA is visible in all three imaging modalities. In the majority of GA eyes (
Figs. 1C–
1G), RPE atrophy is delineated (arrowheads) with blood vessels (
Fig. 1, asterisk) frequently visible because of RPE atrophy and loss of melanin pigment. However, in the donor 7 eye (
Fig. 1B), the GA boundary was difficult to discern by fundus imaging. Visualization of donor eyes in BAF-SLO modality (
Figs. 1H–
1N) did not result in images with well-defined or easily discerned atrophic borders possibly due to reduced optical transparency of inner retina observed in post-mortem samples. In contrast, visualization by IRAF-SLO (
Figs. 1O–
1U) did result in visible, well-defined atrophic borders for the majority of AMD donor eyes that can be attributed to reduced optical scattering commonly observed for near IR versus the shorter visible light wavelengths. Because of the enhanced clarity of IRAF-SLO over BAF-SLO, we used the former to quantify the area of each GA lesion using a ruby sphere of known size (
Table 2). Previous studies assessing GA progression reported that areas of GA lesions continue to enlarge over time and result in a significant decline in visual acuity accompanied by disease severity.
21,22 Thus, for analysis purpose, we elected to segregate our GA findings into three groups that included donors with small (<1.1 mm
2), medium (1.1–3.0 mm
2) and large (>3.1 mm
2) areas of atrophy. In donor eyes with large areas of atrophy BAF-SLO imaging detected patchy, circumferentially discontinuous areas of increased AF along the outside rim of the GA area (
Figs. 1M,
1N). Foveal sparing was mostly noted with fundus macroscopy (
Figs. 1B–
1G, arrow) and BAF-SLO (
Figs. 1I–
1N, arrow) but not IRAF-SLO.