Erratum in: “The Henle Fiber Layer in Albinism: Comparison to Normal and Relationship to Outer Nuclear Layer Thickness and Foveal Cone Density” by Daniel J. Lee, Erica N. Woertz, Alexis Visotcky, Melissa A. Wilk, Heather Heitkotter, Rachel E. Linderman, Sergey Tarima, C. Gail Summers, Brian P. Brooks, Murray H. Brilliant, Bhavna J. Antony, Brandon J. Lujan, and Joseph Carroll (
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018;59:5336–5348),
In Figure 4, the units in the y-axis label and the spacing of the y-axis tick marks were incorrect. Figure 4 has been corrected in the published article with the proper units in the label as well as accurate spacing of the tick marks and box plots.