Despite both tests showing a significant correlation with structural parameters, with global and local measurements, only the FDT was able to show a significant difference between diabetic and healthy participants. The lack of significant differences for microperimety can be explained by considering pointwise sensitivities and the effect of spatial summation on perimetric stimuli, and this is worthy of some discussion here and in the
Appendix. Indeed, the relationship between the number of RGCs and perimetric sensitivity becomes very shallow if the number of stimulated RGCs is larger than a critical amount (conventionally >10
1.5 for SAP stimuli
49), reducing the ability of the test to discriminate early functional damage. This happens in the macular region for G-III stimuli (used in microperimetry) because of the high density of RGCs.
49,50 Total summation conditions could be obtained for the macula by changing the size or the duration of the stimuli
49,55 and would be particularly valuable for detecting the effect of early neural degeneration in diabetes. In fact, undersampling due to RGC loss is expected to have a greater effect on sensitivity for small test targets compared to large test targets (see
Appendix). However, FDT was able to discriminate between the two groups regardless of this limitation. Although such simple reasoning is more difficult to apply to FDT stimuli, the even larger stimulus size is likely to produce partial summation (see
Appendix). One explanation for this difference is that FDT might be able to detect early cell dysfunction occurring in diabetic patients, in addition to the changes explained by pure structural loss. This is concordant with the finding that a significant difference in the intercepts was detected in the structure-function relationship for FDT metrics (with no significant differences in slope), effectively highlighting a residual functional defect in diabetic patients unexplained by structural changes. This residual defect could be the consequence of concomitant changes in the functionality of the outer retina. However, given the lack of significant thinning of the outer layers, this seems unlikely for our data set. Of course, such a difference in intercepts could also be explained by the limitations of the structural OCT measurements. One key assumption in our structure-function analyses is that changes in the measured thickness values accurately represent the loss of neural tissue. This is known not to be the case and is one of the reasons for the floor effect in structural measurements, especially with more advanced damage.
47,56 For example, our quantification of RGCs assumes that cellular density within a given volume of tissue remains constant and the change in RGCs is accurately reflected by the change in volume. Moreover, as previously mentioned, inner retinal tissue thickening has also been described
53 in diabetic patients, likely due to subtle swelling of the neural tissue. This would make our assumption of constant density unreliable. However, it is unlikely for these factors to have played a major role in our analyses, given the absence of eyes with DR and the relatively early loss of inner retinal tissue, far from the floor effect. Indeed, such inaccuracies should have caused a significant difference in intercepts between the two groups also for microperimetry, which was not seen. This opens up potential applications of complex stimuli to more accurately investigate inner retinal damage in diabetes. However, in other reports, traditional SAP was also shown to be effective in detecting retinal dysfunction in diabetes
18,28–31 and performed similarly to FDT when compared directly.
18 The recent introduction of wide-field photopic white-on-white perimeters equipped with fundus tracking technology
57 might combine the accuracy of microperimetry with the benefit of traditional SAP. The obvious advantage of circular stimuli is that, not having to accommodate for patterns, they can be designed to be arbitrarily localized (small), potentially increasing spatial precision. However, as mentioned earlier, the characteristics of the stimulus (duration/size) should ideally be optimized to detect fine changes in the macular region (this point is further expanded in the