Ad5-CMV-hID1(variant1 or isoform a) (Ad5-hID1), Ad5-CMV-hID3 (Ad5-hID3), Ad5-U6-mID1shRNA-GFP(Ad5-mID1shRNA) and Ad5-U6-mID3shRNA-GFP(Ad5-mID3shRNA) stock vectors prepared in PBS were purchased from Vector Biolabs (Malvern, PA, USA). Active TGFβ2 vector Ad5-CMV-hTGFβ2
C226/228S (referred to as Ad5-hTGFβ2 or Ad5-hTGFβ2
C226/228S) and Ad5-Null vector were purchased from The Viral Vector Core Facility, University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA, USA). Please see
Supplemental Table S1 for a summary of these viral vectors and their targets. We have previously shown that Ad5 viral vectors selectively transduce the TM. We tested and confirmed all of these viral vectors (for both target overexpression and knockdown) in cultured TM cells before their use in vivo.
20–23,52,53 Two intravitreal injections were administered 48 hours apart to the left eye (OS) of each animal.
53 The rationale for initially injecting the ID vectors before the TGFβ2 vector was to provide ample time to overexpress or knockdown ID1 or ID3 expression before providing the TGFβ2 OHT insult. This clearly is a “prevention” protocol that provides the greatest opportunity to determine the roles of ID expression on this TGFβ2 OHT. In each case the contralateral right eye (OD) was uninjected as an untreated control. Intravitreal injection was performed under inhalation anesthesia (isoflurane 2.5%, O
2(g) 0.8 L/min) administered via a face mask sized for use with mice. A single drop of 0.5 % proparacaine HCl (Alcaine; Alcon Research, Fort Worth, TX, USA) was also applied for local anesthesia to each eye before injection. For injection, 5 × 10
7 pfu of the specific viral vector suspended in PBS was delivered as a bolus injection. Injection was administered using a glass microsyringe (10 µL maximum volume) fitted with 33-gauge needle (syringe and needle manufactured by Hamilton Company, Reno, NV, USA). Immediately before injection, the globe was digitally proposed. Under powerful illumination and magnification ×30, the tip of the needle was then inserted through the equatorial sclera, with care being taken to angle the needle posteriorly such that the tip was placed in the vitreous cavity, immediately anterior to the retina, but without damaging the delicate structures of the retina, posterior lens capsule, or lens itself. Once positioned correctly, the plunger of the syringe was then depressed slowly and evenly over the course of 10 seconds to deliver a bolus of 2 or 3 µL of vector suspension. After bolus delivery, the needle was left in place for one minute to allow mixing of the injected contents with the vitreous. The needle was then removed rapidly. The animal was then given a dose of buprenorphine HCl (Buprenex, 0.05 mg/kg, subcutaneously) as analgesic and returned to its cage and allowed to recover.
52 Animals were divided into groups on the basis of the single injection (
Table 1A) or combinations of injections (
Tables 1B,