To our knowledge there are five previous studies that investigated the AH miRNA profile of glaucoma patients comprehensively, using untargeted techniques such as microarrays and sequencing (
Table 2).
14–18 These studies reported in total 129 regulated microRNAs. Remarkably, only for one microRNA (hsa-miR-4725-3p), the differential expression could be replicated in a second study. The differential expression of all other microRNAs have not been replicated yet. Several reasons could be postulated for the lack of agreement between studies. Technical differences between sequencing and microarray hybridization can influence the results, as reviewed by Git et al.
30 Results are also influenced by sample preparation differences. For instance, it is important to mention whether samples are spun in a centrifuge before miRNA isolation, because AH may contain cell-free circulating miRNAs that originate from debris or dying cells,
31,32 as well as miRNAs contained in vesicles such as exosomes.
33 Obviously, differences in patient selection such as presence of systemic diseases or medication, as well as differences in the type of glaucoma and glaucoma parameters, that is, age, rate of disease progression, and disease severity, also contribute to discrepancies. In view of the low level of agreement between previous studies, we focused on controlling variation in our experiment. With respect to patient selection, we applied very strict criteria resulting in well-defined homogeneous groups. In addition, because AH samples were collected during cataract surgery (control patients) or during a cataract surgery combined with placement of trabecular micro-bypass stents (POAG patients), the conditions of AH collection were highly comparable between groups. AH samples were of high quality because they were immediately snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen in the operating theater. By analyzing these samples with small RNA-sequencing technology, we obtained an unbiased comprehensive overview of AH miRNAs. We found seven differentially expressed AH miRNAs. Importantly, we were able to replicate the significant upregulation of hsa-miR-143-3p
16 and hsa-miR-221-3p.
14 Apart from the five untargeted studies mentioned above, there are also targeted studies on AH miRNA, using e.g. RT-PCR. We checked whether our differentially expressed miRNAs were measured in any of these studies. We found that upregulation of hsa-miR-211 has been reported previously.
34 Thus our study strengthened the involvement of three specific miRNAs in POAG pathophysiology. On the other hand, we found conflicting results for hsa-miR-451a. In our study, hsa-miR-451a was significantly downregulated, whereas Drewry et al.
17 reported a significant upregulation. As discussed above, differences in the technology used or patient selection criteria (e.g., Drewry did not provide information regarding systemic diseases, and six of 12 POAG patients were classified as having normal-tension glaucoma based on untreated IOP <21 mm Hg) may contribute to this discrepancy.