Purpose :
To evaluate early changes in corneal surface after refractive surgery by LASIK, with an ocular surface analyzer.
Methods :
Pre- and 1-week post-operative measurements of OSDI score, Non-Invasive Tear Breakup Time (NIBUT), tear meniscus height (mm), and meibomian gland dropout (%) were made with the ocular surface analyzer LacryDiag (Quantel, Cournon d'Auvergne, France).
Results :
28 eyes of 14 patients were included. Pre- and post-op findings were as following: OSDI score from 8 to 18 (p= 1.25); NIBUT from 10.7 seconds to 6.2 seconds OD and 10.9 seconds to 6.3 seconds OI (p= 1.10); tear meniscus height from 0.5 mm OU to 0.3 mm OD (p= 1.64) and 0.2 mm OI (1.64); and meibomian gland dropout from 21.6 % to 21 % OD and 23.6 % to 23 % OI (p= 1.50).
Conclusions :
Although statistically significant differences were not found between pre- and post-op measurements, there were clinical and symptomatic differences in patients.
This is a 2021 ARVO Annual Meeting abstract.