Pretreatment FA images obtained using Heidelberg Retina Angiograph 2 (HRA 2; Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany) were analyzed. Two images of 768 × 768 pixels obtained at one and five minutes after dye injection (
Figs. 2A, B), were selected from each eye. The size of the field of view was 30 × 30 degrees. The images were processed using ImageJ software (Fiji, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. in the following steps.
(1) Image alignment and crop. The images were automatically aligned with each other in a stack (
Linear Stack Alignment with SIFT). Images of 384 × 384 pixels centered at fovea were cropped in the stack.
(2) Image thresholding and calculation. The background brightness gradient (
Subtract Background, rolling = 50 pixels) was removed, followed by binarization (
Auto Threshold, method = default) of each image (
Figs. 2C, D). The fluorescein leakage map at five min was created by subtracting the 1-min images from the 5-min images (
Image Calculator).
(3) Feature extraction. The images were cropped into 240 × 240 pixels, that is, the length of this square equals approximately the diameter of the perifoval area in the ETDRS circle. The area percentage of perifoveal leakage was defined by the percentage of whitish area in the final image (
Area fraction) (
Fig. 2E). The above steps could be automatically executed by ImageJ using Macros, except that a trained grader was required to select the location of the foveal center in Step
The validation process involved 20 eyes (10 DME and 10 branch retinal vein occlusion) randomly selected from our FA image database. The perifoveal leakage in the 5-min images were manually annotated by a masked grader (YTL) using Photoshop CS6, version 13.0 × 64 (Adobe Systems Inc., San Jose, CA, USA) (
Figs. 2G, H). The manually annotated leakage area was compared with the leakage area calculated from the above image processing method. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.764.