In this study, we recorded retinal responses to DLS with different types and magnitudes of simulated optical blur presented at specific retinal eccentricities. The results show that the amplitude of post-receptoral responses decreases, in general, for images blurred with DEF and SA as a function of the blur magnitude. On the other hand, AST blur had no significant effect on the ERGs, with up to 0.5 µm of astigmatic blur applied to the stimuli in this study. Importantly, blurring the stimulus (with DEF or SA) only outside the central 12 degrees eccentricity did not alter the ERG amplitude. However, when blur was applied to the retinal area between 12 degrees and 6 degrees eccentricity, the ERGs amplitudes were significantly reduced and no different from the responses to images that were entirely blurred. These notable results suggest that the retinal area between 6 degrees and 12 degrees may be differentially sensitive to optical blur, compared to more central and more peripheral retinal areas. This finding might have implications for the emmetropization process, as discussed below.
The stimulus used in this study has not been used for recording ERGs before. Our stimulus has similar characteristics to the standard pERG stimulus, and the ERGs we recorded resemble the pERGs recorded with checkerboard stimulus. With our steady-state experiment, we showed that the retinal responses to our DLS are similar to the nonlinear responses recorded with a checkerboard stimulus, reinforcing our view that the ERGs we recorded are indeed post-receptoral in nature.
1,50 We should, however, emphasize here that the similarity of the responses we recorded with the standard pERGs and the nonlinearities we demonstrated with the steady-state ERGs are not substitutes for pharmacological studies to unequivocally pinpoint the origins of our signal.
As expected, we found that the amplitude of the ERGs decreases when blur is applied to the entire image (BLUR versus CLEAR), and this reduction is more pronounced with increasing blur magnitude.
27–30 Blur alters the spatial frequency and contrast content of the retinal image, and image analysis (see
Supplementary Material S6) shows that for both DEF and SA, as the blur magnitude increases, the power of intermediate and higher spatial frequencies reduces, while the low spatial frequency content increases. Image analysis shows that for all three blur types, the grayscale value distribution differs significantly between the CLEAR and BLUR images of any blur type, which would result in a different frequency of contrast values across the images. It is known that the amplitude of post-receptoral responses decreases as luminance contrast decreases and as the spatial frequency content of the image shifts from intermediate spatial frequencies toward the lower end of the visible spatial frequency range.
4,7 Therefore, the reduction we observe in the ERG amplitudes could be due to the changes in the contrast levels and spatial frequency range of our blurred images. Whereas applying DEF and SA to the viewed images resulted in a significant reduction of the retinal responses, AST had no significant impact on the amplitude of ERGs. The high and intermediate spatial frequency component of the images’ changes with AST, but there is little change for lower spatial frequencies. The distribution of the grayscale values of the AST images changes similarly to DEF and SA; hence the contrast content of AST images should change in a similar way. However, according to our results, the contrast content change in the AST conditions is insufficient to reduce the ERG responses, even though orientation-sensitive retinal ganglion cells have been identified in the primate retina.
51 We speculate that the amount of astigmatic blur used in this study was insufficient to produce a reduction in the amplitude of the ERGs, and a higher AST magnitude is needed for a change in the retinal responses.
With our novel paradigm, we were able to selectively stimulate different retinal eccentricities with image blur. No differences in ERG amplitudes were found between the CLEAR and 12 DEG stimuli either for DEF or SA. These results indicate that DEF or SA, within the magnitudes used in this study, have no significant impact on the retinal responses when applied to retinal areas beyond 12 degrees eccentricity from the fovea. It is important to note that the amount of blur we used is perceivable, so the presence of blur should be encoded in the retinal response. However, when blur is applied closer to the fovea (beyond 6 degrees eccentricity), the retinal responses were significantly lower than the CLEAR image. Of most interest in our results is that there is no difference between the 6 DEG and BLUR conditions, suggesting that blurring the area between 6 degrees and the fovea has no additional detrimental effect on the retinal responses.
Given that no differences are found between (a) the CLEAR and 12 DEG conditions and (b) the 6 DEG and BLUR conditions, our findings indicate that the retinal area that significantly contributes to ERG amplitude reduction is between 12 degrees and 6 degrees eccentricity. Even though one would expect that when blur is applied to the entire image (BLUR), covering the central retina, there would be a larger reduction in the ERG responses compared to blur applied only up to 6 degrees eccentricity (6 DEG), this is not the case. In agreement with this finding, Ho et al.
29 found that using global flash multifocal ERGs and ophthalmic lenses to induce blur, the central retina is less sensitive to blur than the paracentral retinal area (6.5 degrees to 11.7 degrees eccentricity in their study). Similarly, a number of studies have found a significant effect of near peripheral blur (around 8 degrees eccentricity) in the accommodation response, even when the fovea is stimulated by a clear retinal image.
10,11 Our findings build on the previous studies and suggest that the retinal area within 6 degrees and 12 degrees eccentricity is most responsive to blur, and therefore might play a significant role in blur decoding for a normal emmetropization process. One might correctly observe that the change in the area that is blurred between the 12 DEG and 6 DEG conditions is much greater compared to the change in the area that is blurred between the 6 DEG and BLUR conditions. Therefore, the lack of statistically significant difference between the 6 DEG and BLUR conditions might be due to the lower number of ganglion cells that are stimulated between the two conditions, as a result of a lower signal-to-noise ratio. However, the ganglion cell retinal distribution and density in the human retina
52 negate the difference in area size, suggesting that our results are due to the applied blur and not due to the difference in the area size being blurred. We should note, however, that ERGs recorded with a patterned stimulus, are the results of retinal nonlinearities, and might not be directly related to ganglion cell density or count.
The retinal responses to SA for the BLUR condition are significantly lower than DEF for 0.3, and 0.5 µm blur magnitude (see
Fig. 7), implying that the retina is more sensitive to SA than DEF. Image statistics show no significant differences in grayscale values between DEF and SA, and therefore we do not expect significant differences in the contrast content of the images. Hence, contrast alone could not possibly account for the ERG differences observed between stimuli blurred with DEF or SA. The spatial frequency content differs between DEF and SA in a systematic way. The difference in the high spatial frequency content between these two blur types could cause a difference in the retinal responses when blurring the image with SA (BLUR) because the central part of the retina that exhibits high spatial resolution would be stimulated optimally with SA but not DEF.
We tested adult observers with either emmetropia or myopia and found no differences in the retinal responses between the two groups. This is in disagreement with previous psychophysical studies that showed that myopes are less sensitive to peripheral blur,
10,16,37 which could indicate that the peripheral ERG responses of myopes might also differ from those of emmetropes. Of course, a direct comparison between retinal physiological responses and psychophysical responses is not possible, as many compensatory or adaptation/habituation mechanisms might be in play. The lack of difference between refractive groups in our study may be a consequence of testing adult subjects with stable refractive error. A recent study in children showed that when blur sensitivity was measured as depth-of-focus, children with progressing myopia had lower sensitivity compared with emmetropes.
17 A longitudinal study of sensitivity to blur and retinal responses to blur on children before they become myopic would be able to answer these questions and elucidate the discrepancies discussed above.
In conclusion, we demonstrated that retinal responses to different types of digitally blurred images can be decoupled and studied in isolation. DLS blurred with DEF, AST, and SA at varying blur magnitudes can be used to elicit retinal responses. DEF and SA significantly decrease the amplitude of adult observers’ retinal responses; however, simulated AST does not affect ERGs, at least for the levels of blur used in this study. Our results indicate a retinal area between 6 degrees and 12 degrees eccentricity of increased sensitivity to blur for DEF and SA, whereas SA affects the retinal responses to a greater extent than DEF. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show greater retinal sensitivity for SA than DEF. SA might play a more important role in guiding the emmetropization process than DEF. Testing young children on the path for developing myopia with our novel paradigm would shed light on a peripheral retinal mechanism that is differentially sensitive to one type of blur than another and may lead to an abnormal emmetropization process.