Figure 5 plots the group-level longitudinal results for the magnitude of the phoria adaptation experiment comparing outcome (grey bars) to baseline (black bars), which are plotted as the mean with plus and minus one standard deviation. For the base-in magnitude of the phoria adaptation, six BNC and seven CI participants were excluded as outliers. The base-in magnitude of the phoria adaptation showed a significant main effect for time (F[1,96] = 10.1,
P = 0.002). An interaction effect was observed for time by therapy type (F[1,96] = 14.4,
P < 0.001) but not for time by participant type (
P > 0.9). For the base-out magnitude of adaptation, five BNC and eight CI participants were excluded as outliers. The base-out magnitude of phoria adaptation showed a significant main effect for time (F[1,96] = 5.0,
P = 0.027) with a significant interaction between time by therapy type (F[1,96] = 8.4,
P = 0.05). However, no significant interaction was observed between time by participant type (
P = 0.7). The post hoc paired
t-tests showed there was a significant change for the CI group who had the OBVAT intervention when comparing the outcome measurements to the baseline measurements for the base-in change in magnitude of phoria adaptation (t[24] = 4.4,
P < 0.001) and the base-out change in magnitude of phoria adaptation (t[24] = 2.8,
P = 0.009). For the BNC group who were administered the OBVAT intervention, significant changes were also observed using a paired
t-test comparing the outcome to the baseline measures for both the base-in (t[24] = 2.6,
P = 0.02) and base-out adaptation (t[24] = 2.3,
P = 0.03) change in magnitude of phoria. Significant changes were not observed for either the BNC or CI group who received the OBPT intervention for either the base-in or base-out change in magnitude of phoria adaptation (
P > 0.4).