The present study was carried out following the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association. The Ethics Committee for Clinical Research of Galicia approved the ophthalmologic protocol and the biological sample extraction to which all study participants were subjected (2019/623). All participants underwent an ophthalmologic examination that included a common clinical, topographic, aberrometric, and tomographic evaluation. Tear fluid was collected using Schirmer strips. All participants were expressly cited for the purposes of this study and properly informed prior to signing informed consent. All examinations were performed by the same two researchers. The ophthalmologic examination consisted of anamnesis and clinical evaluation, in which the collected data included age, sex, patient´s history of eye disease, patient´s medical history (allergy, eye rubbing, eye itching), positive family history of corneal ectasia, and biomicroscopic exam. Atopic conditions such as asthma, rhinitis, or atopic dermatitis were included as allergic diseases. The ophthalmologic examination also consisted of topographic, aberrometric, and tomographic evaluation, in which dioptric central power, flattest corneal meridian, steeper meridian, maximum dioptric power, inferior-superior dioptric asymmetry, Ambrosio relational thickness, D-index (Belin-Ambrosio deviation index), vertical anterior coma for 3 mm of diameter, minimum thickness point, and posterior elevation were the parameters included in this evaluation. All variables were measured using the PENTACAM tomographer (version 1.6r2031b; Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany).