For immunocytochemical investigation, isolated cells (at 4–6 weeks in culture) were trypsinized (5 minutes at 37°C; 0.25% trypsin, 0.02% EDTA, in Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS; Thermo Fisher Scientific) and transferred to microscopy coverslips, on which they were allowed to settle overnight. The following day the cell medium was discarded, and the cell cultures were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde (Sigma-Aldrich) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 (Sigma-Aldrich) for 10 minutes. The cells were then incubated in phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.45; Thermo Fisher Scientific) containing 1% normal goat serum (NGS; Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA) or normal donkey serum (NDS; Jackson ImmunoResearch Europe Ltd., Cambridgeshire, UK) and 0.1% Triton X-100 (Sigma-Aldrich) for 1 hour at room temperature, for nonspecific background signal reduction. The cells were subsequently incubated for 1 hour with a mouse anti-α-SMA primary antibody (1:250, A5228; Sigma-Aldrich) alone or in combination with either a muscarinic primary antibody (M1–M5) or a primary antibody for Krt17 (1:500, ab109725; Abcam, Cambridge, MA, USA). All primary antibodies were diluted in PBS containing 1% NGS or NDS and 0.1% Triton X-100. The muscarinic primary antibodies were raised in rabbit (M2, 1:100, ab41168, Abcam; M3, 1:100, AB9018, Sigma-Aldrich; M4, 1:100, ab189432, Abcam; M5, 1:100, ab186830, Abcam) or goat (M1, 1:100, ab77098; Abcam). The Krt17 antibody was raised in rabbit. Primary antibody incubation was followed by secondary antibody incubation with Texas Red goat anti-mouse secondary antibody (1:500, ab6787; Abcam), Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-rabbit (1:250, A32731; Thermo Fisher Scientific), or Alexa Fluor 568 donkey anti-goat (1:250, AB2534104; Thermo Fisher Scientific) for 1 hour at room temperature in PBS containing 1% NGS and 0.25% Triton X-100. A corresponding negative control was run concomitantly for each cell culture by excluding the primary antibody.
Lacrimal glands not used for primary cell culturing were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde overnight in a refrigerator, after which the tissues were stored in 20% sucrose in PBS until paraffinized and sectioned into 6 µm thick slices (Histocenter AB, Gothenburg, Sweden). In the immunohistochemical experiments, the tissue slices were first deparaffinized, then rehydrated and incubated in sodium citrate buffer (pH 5.0; Sigma-Aldrich) at 95°C for 1 hour. After the heat-induced epitope retrieval, non-specific background block was performed by incubation in PBS containing 0.1% Triton X-100 and 5% NGS for 1 hour. Autofluorescence was reduced by incubation in pH 5-adjusted 5 mM copper sulfate (Sigma-Aldrich) in a 50 mM ammonium acetate (VWR International, Radnor, PA, USA) solution for 10 minutes. The sections were subsequently incubated for 1 hour at room temperature with mouse anti-α-SMA primary antibody (1:250, A5228; Sigma-Aldrich) alone or in combination with a muscarinic primary antibody (M1–M5). All antibodies were diluted in PBS containing 1% NGS or NDS and 0.1% Triton X-100. The muscarinic primary antibodies were raised in rabbit (M2, 1:100, ab41168, Abcam; M3, 1:100, AB9018, Sigma-Aldrich; M4, 1:100, ab189432, Abcam; M5, 1:100, ab186830, Abcam) or goat (M1, 1:100, ab77098; Abcam). The primary antibody incubation was followed by secondary antibody incubation with Texas Red goat anti-mouse secondary antibody (1:500, ab6787; Abcam), Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-rabbit (1:250, A32731; Thermo Fisher Scientific), or Alexa Fluor 568 donkey anti-goat (1:250, AB2534104; Thermo Fisher Scientific) for 1 hour at room temperature in PBS containing 1% NGS and 0.25% Triton X-100. Each slide contained a corresponding negative control that was exposed to identical procedures with the exception of primary antibody incubation.
All cells and histological slices were mounted with Prolong Gold antifade reagent with DAPI (P36931; Thermo Fisher Scientific) and examined under a Nikon 90i brightfield and fluorescence microscope, and micrographs were recorded utilizing a DS-Fi camera and analyzed with NIS Element 4.40 software (Nikon Corporation, Tokyo, Japan).