In order to contextualize these results, it is important to identify that optokinetic nystagmus is a gaze-stabilizing eye movement which reflects a need to maintain visual integrity during motion. The two primary mechanisms underlying gaze stability are the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and the OKR, which are thought to have evolved in parallel.
35 These are interlinked to allow a multisensory estimation of movement, and visual motion is conveyed to the vestibular nuclei through the optic nerves,
36 and it is well-known that retinal flow modifies the vestibular velocity storage mechanism (VSM).
37 This system is geared to allowing motion perception during sustained vestibular stimulations.
38 As seen in this study, the impact on the VSM was readily modified by the level of visual attention. The fact that focused visual attention correlates with greater VSM activity fits well within the framework of patients suffering from non-vestibular vertigo due to increased visual motion sensitivity.
39 Indeed, several patient groups presenting with visually induced vertigo have been shown to exhibit increased nystagmus activity to optokinetic stimuli,
40,41 and diverting attention can alleviate the effects of visual motion hypersensitivity.
42 It is also noteworthy that the clear adaptation of the OKN over time was only observed during focused viewing, with neutral and divided attentional tasks being associated with greater fluctuations in OKN frequencies. This finding further supports the claim that visual attention, more so than alertness, influences the VSM. In light of this, the OKN may prove a valuable proxy for assessing visual attention, and allow personalized rehabilitation through following the recorded data over time.
However, as previously addressed, attention and alertness are separate neural entities, although conceptually related.
30 Our results further support this notion, as reflected by torsional velocities not adopting the same pattern as the number of OKN, with both focused and divided levels of visual attention increasing the OKN gain. These results indicate that alertness may have influenced the tOKN gain. The PASAT protocol inducing divided visual attention necessitates a broad activation of cortical structures, including the left prefrontal cortex and left parietal lobe and visual associative areas.
43 As these structures are involved in producing eye movements, one may hypothesize that the voluntary suppression of the OKN could have been downregulated during the stimulation period, and PASAT tasks have indeed been shown to downregulate the efficacy of gaze shifts.
44 Studies in rabbits have shown that alertness, caused by vibration, shortens the OKN time constant while also increasing the frequency of updated OKN accelerations.
45 Comparing the eye movement results to the corresponding pupil size data, this study indicates that both focused visual attention and heightened alertness will result in increased OKN velocities, supporting the notion that this relationship is also true for humans.
The methodological approach in this study did produce some limitations in how the data may be interpreted. Through continuously providing PASAT answers, the subjects were confirmed to be engaged with the task, although it is difficult to assess the exact level of attention within individual subjects. PASAT proficiency does not depend on a certain level of neural activation, and so it is not surprising that no correlation could be seen between the number of correct answers given and the OKN. In addition to the number and gain of the OKR, this study investigated the effects on peak amplitudes, both for slow and quick phases. The main aim of calculating peak amplitudes was to assess whether the attentional level would affect the integration of stimulation amplitudes into the OKR (i.e. if increased attentional levels would correspond to the movement being treated as covering a greater distance). There was, however, no significant effect on this outcome based on the attentional task. Peak slow-phase amplitudes also produced a high degree of variance. It should be noted that the OKN gain was calculated from each slow phase for every trial, whereas the peak amplitudes were retrieved twice per trial, one positive and one negative. This meant that the number of traces available for statistical analysis were much lower for peak amplitudes. The comparative lack of power naturally limits the contextualization of how OKN peak amplitudes are affected by the attentional tasks.
In conclusion, this study is the first in implementing a range of perceptual tasks to show that visual attention and general alertness influences separate aspects of the optokinetic reflex. The number of OKN beats was highest during focused levels of visual attention and lowest during the divided attention task, reflecting greater involvement of the velocity storage mechanism in integrating visual motion. In addition, OKN gain increased during both divided and focused attention levels. This was also true for the pupil size, which may reflect that the increased gain was due to a heightened alertness. In addition, the temporal distribution of the OKN suggests that focused visual attention stimulates adaptation of the visual motion processing system to a greater extent than heightened alertness. These factors indicate that features of the OKN are influenced independently by attentional and alertness levels. Altogether, the OKN reflects different aspects of cortical and subcortical sensorimotor processes important for human visual perception, and reflects primordial attentional cues relating to visually guided behaviors. Moving forward, these findings may allow for objective correlates to attention during psychometric testing, as well as personalized clinical protocols when treating patients with attentional disorders.